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The Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) Guide 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) Guide

Successfully practice Scrum in real-world projects and achieve PSM I certification with confidence
소장전자책 정가15,000
The Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) Guide 표지 이미지

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) Guide작품 소개

<The Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) Guide> Implement modern and industry-proven Scrum techniques to achieve business agility and prove your credentials by passing the PSM I certification exam

▶Book Description
Agile methodologies allow companies to maximize value and deal effectively with risks, which is why most IT companies adopt Agile in their workflows. Scrum is an Agile framework used to manage and execute projects with small teams.

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) Guide will help you to explore the Scrum framework's rules and theories for Agile project management and develop skills that will enable you to become an indispensable resource for any organization. You'll learn essential techniques and practices such as estimation, planning, and forecasting that will help you to apply Scrum successfully and complete complex projects with ease. The book also demonstrates how to conduct Scrum events, create Scrum artifacts, and tackle issues faced during the Scrum life cycle, among other practices. Finally, you will focus on various aspects of the PSM I certification course and discover expert advice, tips, and quizzes to prepare yourself for the exam.

By the end of the book, you will have gained fundamental knowledge of the Scrum framework, covered a range of topics related to the PSM I exam, and learned best practices, tips, and techniques to pass the exam confidently.

▶What You Will Learn
-Get to grips with Agile development and Scrum
-Understand the roles and responsibilities within the Scrum team
-Discover how to conduct Scrum events and create Scrum artifacts
-Find out how to estimate tasks and track progress
-Discover techniques for planning and forecasting
-Find out how to deal with issues faced during the Scrum life cycle

▶Key Features
-Use Scrum to manage complex projects and deliver real value to your customers
-Explore essential concepts and understand how the Scrum framework and Agile help maximize value and manage risks
-Discover expert tips and work with practice questions and real-world examples to pass the PSM certification exam

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for professionals who want to build a strong foundation in Scrum practices and development. Project managers, product owners, product managers across various industries, sectors, and departments, software architects, developers, coders, and testers looking to achieve PSM certification will also find this book helpful.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to Scrum, presents you with the history and motivation behind Scrum, its value as a development framework, and introduces you to the PSM I assessment.

- Chapter 2, Scrum Theory and Principles, shares knowledge of the fundamental concepts behind Scrum, its values, and its pillars. It also highlights the value and effect of these concepts in applying Scrum successfully.

- Chapter 3, The Scrum Team, analyzes the role and responsibilities of the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Developers and their interactions within the Scrum development lifecycle.

- Chapter 4, Scrum Events, explains the significance of the Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective events and their application and utility within the Scrum development lifecycle.

- Chapter 5, Scrum Artifacts, details the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Product Increment, as well as the commitments undertaken for each of these Artifacts. The inter-dependencies of these Artifacts are also covered.

- Chapter 6, Planning and Estimating with Scrum, delves into the world of measuring, estimating, planning, and forecasting. You will learn how to calculate your team's velocity, create a product roadmap, and measure your progress with burn-up and burn-down charts.

- Chapter 7, The Sprint Journey, imparts practical advice and techniques for day-to-day working during the Sprint. Product Backlog refinement is explained, as well as how to use a Scrum Board in different scenarios, manage defects, and what to do if the Sprint is canceled.

- Chapter 8, Facets of Scrum, covers best practices to use when working with Scrum. The importance of a CI/CD pipeline as testing levels is examined in detail. Techniques for managing technical debt, working remotely, and scaling Scrum are also explained.

- Chapter 9, Preparing for the PSM I Assessment, is a short chapter mainly hosting 25 quiz questions summarizing the knowledge contained in this book, helping you to prepare for taking the PSM I assessment exam. Practical advice on how to prepare for the exam, and what to do during and after, is also given.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
The Scrum framework was conceived in the late 1980s to counteract the formal, rigid, and stagnating software development methodologies prevalent at the time. The Scrum framework was formalized in the mid-1990s and its founders, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, were instrumental in the creation of the Agile Manifesto and the subsequent spread of the Agile development movement. Scrum quickly became the most popular Agile framework, with huge adoption in both small businesses and the enterprise world. Part of the popularity of Scrum is its adaptability. The Scrum Guide keeps getting updated every few years to reflect current thinking and practices. Scrum.org also offers an impressive array of Scrum-related resources and certifications, one of which we'll be addressing in this book.

This book aims to teach people new to, or inexperienced with, Scrum all about the Scrum framework from a practical as well as a theoretical perspective. The book consists of two parts. In the first five chapters, we will cover the Scrum fundamentals. The theory and principles of Scrum will be digested, before moving on to cover the Scrum Team, Events, and Artifacts. The second part will focus on more practical knowledge, by examining practices and methods used by Scrum Teams in the real world. We will learn how to plan and estimate in Scrum, how to monitor progress and deal with different situations within the Sprint, best practices for infrastructure and testing, and how to manage eventualities such as technical debt or remote working. Every chapter closes with a short quiz to reinforce the knowledge gained.

Finally, the last chapter is entirely dedicated to the PSM I assessment. It offers practical advice on what to do before, during, and after the assessment exam to maximize your chances of success. This is capped with a mock assessment questionnaire, which closely represents the actual PSM I assessment.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Fred Heath
Fred Heath is a senior software engineer with around 24 years of experience. Fred has worked at every level of the software development life cycle and has used a multitude of technologies, platforms, and programming languages. His professional interests include programming in Ruby and Elixir, behavior-driven development, and semantic analysis. Fred holds B.Eng and M.Sc. degrees (Cardiff University) and is a Microsoft Certified Professional (SQL Server 2000), a certified Professional Scrum Master (PSM-1), and a certified Professional Agile Leader (PAL-I). He enjoys blogging about software development topics and is a frequent speaker at conferences and meetups.


▷Section 1: The Scrum Framework
-Chapter 1: Introduction to Scrum
-Chapter 2: Scrum Theory and Principles
-Chapter 3: The Scrum Team
-Chapter 4: Scrum Events
-Chapter 5: Scrum Artifacts

▷Section 2: Scrum in Action
-Chapter 6: Planning and Estimating with Scrum
-Chapter 7: The Sprint Journey
-Chapter 8: Facets of Scrum

▷Section 3: The PSM Certification
-Chapter 9: Preparing for the PSM I Assessment


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