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Automate It with Zapier 상세페이지

Automate It with Zapier

Boost your business productivity using effective workflow automation techniques

  • 관심 0
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  • 2021.08.25 전자책 출간
듣기 기능
TTS(듣기) 지원
파일 정보
  • PDF
  • 618 쪽
  • 19.5MB
지원 환경
  • PC뷰어
Automate It with Zapier

작품 정보

Build easy and accessible solutions for automating mundane processes in marketing, sales, operations, and finance to enable teams to focus on core tasks

▶Book Description
Zapier is an emerging no-code workflow automation technology that enables organizations to connect their cloud-based and web applications and automate data transfer between them. Zapier's built-in features and flexibility allow users to integrate thousands of business applications and create simple to complex automation to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, thereby increasing productivity. This book is a must-have for business owners, their employees, and independent freelancers and contractors looking to use Zapier for business process automation.

The book takes a hands-on approach to implementation and associated problem-solving methodologies that will have you up-and-running and productive in no time while leveling up your automation skills. You'll discover how to plan your automation building for optimal results, what are the native features available in Zapier, and the applications that connect with it, as well as how to optimally configure your workflows to automate your processes in as few steps as possible. Finally, you'll find out how to create advanced workflow automation from scratch and learn how to troubleshoot issues.

By the end of this Zapier book, you'll be able to build your own advanced workflow automation using Zapier, addressing the key pain points encountered in businesses with manual and repetitive tasks.

▶What You Will Learn
-Think creatively to plan your business workflows to overcome specific business problems
-Get to grips with the native features and built-in applications available in Zapier
-Explore different types of third-party business applications that integrate with Zapier
-Configure your workflows optimally to automate business processes and minimize task usage
-Use Zapier's library of pre-built workflows and create advanced workflows from scratch
-Discover the extensive functionality and practical uses of Zapier's built-in apps

▶Key Features
-Learn Zapier and find solutions to specific problems with this comprehensive yet concise guide
-Explore various scenarios describing specific business problems and how they can be solved with Zapier
-Discover expert tips and practical examples to harness the full potential of Zapier

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for solutions architects, process consultants, business analysts, virtual assistants, digital marketers, CRM consultants, online business managers, technical consultants, bookkeepers, and accountants who want to deploy effective automation techniques in Zapier. This book will help micro, small, or medium-sized businesses to increase their productivity using workflow automation with Zapier, as well as freelancers and contractors providing digital process improvement, systemizing, and automation services. No prior experience with business process automation or Zapier is required.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to Business Process Automation with Zapier, initially focuses on the basic principles of business process automation with Zapier and then covers features, functionality, and key terminology used to help familiarize you with the Zapier platform.

- Chapter 2, Preparing to Automate Your Processes, explores how to brainstorm your processes, simplify them and assess what can be automated. We cover the process to establish how your apps work with Zapier and explain how to use the Zapier app ecosystem directory.

- Chapter 3, Building Your First Automated Workflow (Zap), dives into how best to strategize and plan your workflows ahead of working through a step-by-step process of creating your first Zap. We explore how to connect your apps to Zapier, use the Zap editor, work with different field types, and use pre-built workflows.

- Chapter 4, Managing Your Zaps, takes you through the best ways to keep your Zapier account organized. We discuss how to keep your Zaps and folders organized, how to manage your connected apps, and help you to understand Zap statuses. Lastly, we cover some collaboration tips for users working in teams.

- Chapter 5, Troubleshooting and Handling Zap Errors, covers typical Zap behavior and the best ways to handle and troubleshoot errors. We discuss how to set up Zaps to report on Zap issues and app status changes, how to use Zap History information effectively, and we explore the various channels of support available.

- Chapter 6, Creating Multi-Step Zaps with Built-in Apps, teaches you how to set up and customize multi-step Zaps using multiple action and search steps. We also introduce you to all the built-in Apps by Zapier. You will be able to test your knowledge by building your first multi-step Zap.

- Chapter 7, Getting Started with Built-in Apps, explores the most commonly used built-in Zapier apps and covers specific functions such as using conditional logic (filtering and paths) and delays in your Zaps, as well as scheduling your Zaps to run as intervals. You will be able to test your knowledge by building a multi-step Zap using some of these built-in apps.

- Chapter 8, Built-In Communication Apps, introduces communication-specific built-in Zapier apps such as for sending and receiving emails and sending SMS messages.

- Chapter 9, Exploring Built-In Apps for Extracting and Compiling Data, covers how to extract data from emails, use RSS feed readers in your automations, and compile data into digests. You will be able to test your knowledge by building a multi-step Zap using some of these built-in apps.

- Chapter 10, Other Useful Built-In Apps by Zapier, describes how to initiate workflows from web pages, shorten URLs, translate text, score lead information, and use weather and astrological predictions in your Zaps.

- Chapter 11, Advanced Built-In Apps by Zapier, briefly explores the more advanced functionality in some of the built-in Apps by Zapier, such as using webhooks and code in your Zaps, as well as saving and storing data.

- Chapter 12, Managing Your Zapier Account with Built-in Apps, teaches you how to get notifications on integration issues, manage errors with your Zaps, and monitor Zapier account changes.

- Chapter 13, Formatting Date and Time, introduces the versatile Formatter app and covers how to format date and time values and add or subtract time. We provide practical tips on how to use each of the date and time formatter functions.

- Chapter 14, Formatting Numbers, dives into the functionality available to format numbers, phone numbers, currencies, and to use spreadsheet-type formulas and math operations.

- Chapter 15, Text Formatting Functions in Zapier – Part 1, describes the extensive functionality available to format text. We cover a range of text formatting actions, such as capitalizing and pluralizing text; applying title case, uppercase, and lowercase; finding and replacing text; trimming whitespace; and counting characters and words.

- Chapter 16, Text Formatting Functions in Zapier – Part 2, covers more functionality available to format text. We explore how to split and truncate text; remove HTML; assign default values; extract data such as patterns, URLs, and email addresses; and use a superhero name. We also briefly cover more advanced text manipulation features such as how to convert Markdown to HTML, URL Encode and Decode, and converting text to ASCII.

- Chapter 17, Zapier's Utilities Functions, explores the Utilities functions within the Formatter app. We cover line-item creation and customization, converting text to lineitems and vice versa, using lookup tables and picklists, and importing CSV files.

- Chapter 18, Automating Your Marketing Processes, explores some examples of marketing processes that can be automated using Zapier. We will provide practical tips on how to get started with automating these processes. We will also cover how to automate marketing processes with Facebook Pages integration.

- Chapter 19, Automating Your Sales Processes, covers some examples of sales processes that can be automated using Zapier. We will provide practical tips on how to get started with automating these processes. We will also cover how to automate sales processes with Pipedrive integration.

- Chapter 20, Automating Your Operations Processes, dives into some examples of operations processes that can be automated using Zapier. We provide practical tips on how to address automating these processes. We also cover how to automate operations processes with Google Docs integration.

- Chapter 21, Automating Your Finance and Reporting Processes, takes you through some examples of finance and reporting processes that can be automated using Zapier. We provide practical tips on how to tackle automating these processes. We also explore how to automate accounting processes with Xero integration.

- Chapter 22, Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices to Enhance Your Productivity, focuses on best practices for utilizing Zapier effectively and builds on the tips and tricks we have presented in each chapter.

- Chapter 23, Challenge Your Problem-Solving and Zap-Building Skills, presents you with three scenarios that describe a specific problem that can be solved by using Zapier. We will work through each example practically with tips being given along the way. The scenarios are classified by skill level and you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge while adapting your problem-solving and Zap-building skills.

작가 소개

▶About the Author
- Kelly Goss
Kelly Goss is a process automation specialist and company director for Solvaa, a cloud-based automation consultancy. She has worked across multiple industry verticals for providing Zapier consultancy, digital process improvement, process mapping and process automation solutions. Kelly is a Zapier Certified Expert and a speaker at multiple events related to automation.


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