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    정형민 프로필

  • 국적 대한민국
  • 학력 컬럼비아대학교 대학원 동양미술사 박사
    펜실베이니아대학교 대학원 중국문학
    미시간대학교 대학원 동양미술사 석사
    웰슬리대학 서양미술사 학사
    서울대학교 응용미술학 학사
  • 경력 제18대 국립현대미술관 관장
    한국미술이론학회 회장
    서울대학교 미술관 관장
    예술의전당 전시감독
    서울대학교 동양호과 교수
    미국 메트로폴리탄미술관 동양미술부 연구원

2014.12.23. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

Chung Hyung-Min 정형민

Chung Hyung-Min is Professor of Art History at Seoul National University and the Director of the Seoul National University Museum of Art (MoA), which opened in June 2006. She also served as Director of Art Galleries at the Seoul Arts Center from 1999 to 2001. She is currently the President of the Korea Society of Art Theories, an organization comprised of leading university-teachers of art history, museum experts and art critics in Korea.
Dr. Chung received her B.A. from wellesley College in art history (European art history) and an M.A. from the University of Michigan (Asian art history). She also studied Chinese language and literature at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her Ph. D. form Columbia University, where she wrote her doctoral dissertation on late Joseon Dynasty painting. Recently, she has been publishing extensively on Korean and Chinese modern art.

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