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데이빗 캐루스 David Carruth

    데이빗 캐루스 프로필

2016.04.05. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

저자 문영숙
1953년 충남 서산 출생. 2004년 제2회 ‘푸른문학상’과 2005년 제6회 ‘문학동네어린이문학상’을 수상하며 본격적으로 작품 활동을 시작했고, 2012년 서울문화재단 창작지원금을 받았다. 잊지 말아야 할 우리 민족의 역사를 어린 독자들에게 알리는 소설을 주로 쓰고 있다. 대표작으로는 청소년 역사소설 <에네껜 아이들>, <까레이스키, 끝없는 방랑>, 장편동화 <무덤 속의 그림>, <검은 바다>, <궁녀 학이>, <색동저고리>, <아기가 된 할아버지>, <개성빵> 등이 있다.

Moon Young-sook was born in Seosan, South Chungcheong Province, in 1953. Her literary career took off when she won the 2nd Blue Literature Prize in 2004 and the 6th Literature Neighborhood Prize for Children’s Literature in 2005. In 2012, she received a creative grant from the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture. Moon’s main reason for writing stories is to teach young people about parts of Korean history that Koreans must never forget. Some of her best-known works are the young adult historical novels “The Kareiski’s Endless Wandering” and “The Children of Henequen.” She has also written a number of children’s novels, including “Picture in the Tomb,” “The Dark Sea,” “Hagi: Lady of the Court,” “The Coat of Many Colors,” “The Old Man Who Became a Little Child,” and “The Bread of Kaesong.”

Translator David Carruth
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English literature, David Carruth moved to Seoul, South Korea, and studied Korean. For the past several years, he has been translating texts in a variety of fields including literature, journalism, economics, and science. Recently, he translated short stories and drama for the Korean Writers series, which is organized by the Arts Council Korea.

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