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20th Century American History Book 1 (20세기 미국사 + 오디오) 상세페이지

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* 본 도서는 본문이 모두 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.

20th Century American History Book 1 (20세기 미국사 + 오디오)작품 소개

<20th Century American History Book 1 (20세기 미국사 + 오디오)> 전자책으로 만나는 미국 역사 그리고 영어학습!

오늘날 미국의 사회와 문화를 이해할 수 있는 다채로운 이야기들을 연대순으로 만나보세요.

이 책은 세련된 영어 표현들과 생생한 오디오를 포함하여 美 역사는 물론 영어를 배우고자 하는 이에게 더 없이 좋은 학습 자료입니다. 독자의 영어수준에 크게 구애받지 않도록 중급의 영어 단어들로 구성되었으며 오디오는 일반적인 말하기 속도의 2/3 수준으로 제작되었습니다.

20th Century American History tells about the ideas and issues that have shaped the United States in the 20th century from the bottom up. You can think of it not just as a series of history of America and its people, but a series of lessons. The subjects include exploration, revolution, social and political change, the rise of industry, modern technology and more.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

Oldiees Publishing is a digital publisher founded in 2010 with the stated mission of offering timeless collection of cultural works in many genres that entertain, amuse, and inform.


1. Teddy Roosevelt Leads Nation After McKinley's Murder
2. Teddy Roosevelt Wrestles Powerful Business Interests as President
3. Panama Breaks With Colombia, Clearing Way for the Panama Canal
4. Roosevelt Exercises US Power Around the World
5. Taft Wins Presidency Promising Continued Reform
6. The Republican Party Is Split Over William Howard Taft
7. Taft, Wilson and Roosevelt in the Election of 1912
8. Woodrow Wilson Takes Office Seeking Tax, Banking and Business Reform
9. Foreign Events Begin to Shape Wilson's Presidency
10. US Adopts Neutrality as World War One Begins in Europe
11. German Sub Attacks Push Wilson Into War
12. General Pershing Leads Troops into Europe's Great War
13. President Wilson Helps Negotiate an End to World War
14. In November 1918, a Truce in World War
15. Remembering the Peace Talks That Followed the Original Armistice Day
16. Wilson Urges Support for Idea of League of Nations
17. The United States Turns Inward After World War One
18. Movies Become Big Business in 1920s
19. Fear of Communism in 1920 Threatens Civil Rights
20. Warren Harding Wins Election of 1920
21. After Harding Dies, President Coolidge Tries to Rebuild Trust in the Government
22. 'Roaring Twenties' a Time of Economic and Social Change
23. The 1920's were an active and important period for the American arts
24. Nation Grows More Conservative in '20s
25. Blacks Set Out in Search of a Better Life in 1920s Society
26. Calvin Coolidge Wins in Election of 1924
27. Foreign Policy During the 1920s
28. Hoover Wins in 1928
About the publisher


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