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Further Fables for Our Time (영어로 읽는 세계문학 650) 상세페이지

Further Fables for Our Time (영어로 읽는 세계문학 650)작품 소개

<Further Fables for Our Time (영어로 읽는 세계문학 650)> <우리 시대의 우화> 영문판.
1956년에 출간된 제임스 서버의 우화집(寓話集).
‘The Sea and the Shore’ 등 47편의 작품이 수록되었다.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

제임스 서버 (James Grover Thurber)
1894~1961. 미국의 작가, 기자, 만화가. 오하이오(Ohio)주 콜럼버스(Columbus) 출생.
오하이오 주립대학 수료. 국무부 공무원을 거쳐 콜럼버스 디스패치(Columbus Dispatch), 시카고 트리뷴(Chicago Tribune) 기자로 활동하다가, 1927년 <뉴요커 The New Yorker>의 편집에 참여하며 20년간 단편소설을 발표하였다. 일생 동안 수필, 우화, 동화, 희곡, 단편소설, 사회시평, 만화집 등 30여권의 작품을 남겼다. 주요 저서에 <My Life and Hard Times>(1933) <The Secret Life of Walter Mitty>(1939) <My World and Welcome to It>(1942), 화집 <The Last Flower>(1939) 등이 있다.


1. The Sea and the Shore
2. The Truth about Toads
3. The Butterfly, the Ladybug, and the Phoebe
4. The Foolhardy Mouse and the Cautious Cat
5. The Rose and the Weed
6. The Bat Who Got the Hell Out
7. The Lion and the Foxes
8. The Wolf Who Went Places
9. The Bluebird and His Brother
10. The Clothes Moth and the Luna Moth
11. The Lover and His Lass
12. The Fox and the Crow
13. Variations on the Theme
14. The Bears and the Monkeys
15. The Father and His Daughter
16. The Cat in the Lifeboat
17. The Bragdowdy and the Busybody
18. The Human Being and the Dinosaur
19. The Hen Party
20. The Rose, the Fountain, and the Dove
21. The Bachelor Penguin and the Virtuous Mate
22. The Peacelike Mongoose
23. The Godfather and His Godchild
24. The Grizzly and the Gadgets
25. The Goose That Laid the Gilded Egg
26. The Trial of the Old Watchdog
27. The Philosopher and the Oyster
28. Tea for One
29. The Mouse and the Money
30. The Wolf at the Door
31. What Happened to Charles
32. The Daws on the Dial
33. The Tiger Who Would Be King
34. The Chipmunk and His Mate
35. The Weaver and the Worm
36. Two Dogs
37. The Lady of the Legs
38. The Kingfisher and the Phoebe
39. The Turtle Who Conquered Time
40. The Lion and the Lizard
41. The Tigress and Her Mate
42. The Magpie's Treasure
43. The Cricket and the Wren
44. The Crow and the Scarecrow
45. Ivory, Apes, and People
46. Oliver and the Other Ostriches
47. The Shore and the Sea


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