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Curriculum Design in StoryTown: Goals and Specifications for English Teachers 상세페이지

외국어 일반영어

Curriculum Design in StoryTown: Goals and Specifications for English Teachers

소장종이책 정가45,000
전자책 정가45,000
Curriculum Design in StoryTown: Goals and Specifications for English Teachers 표지 이미지

Curriculum Design in StoryTown: Goals and Specifications for English Teachers작품 소개

<Curriculum Design in StoryTown: Goals and Specifications for English Teachers> Course outlines are arranged by levels. Level 1-A is the lowest one, and 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and B, C, and D are higher ones. Course outlines start with Level 1-A for 1st to 6th grade students. These levels are defined to describe the difficulty of tasks and the amount of the cognitive demanding. 저자들은 미국에서 사용되고 있는 초등학생 대상 교과서인 스토리타운(StoryTown) 시리즈를 국내 (영어)교육 현장에 구체적으로 적용될 수 있도록 새롭게 편집했습니다. 스토리타운의 모든 교재와 교사 지침서를 검토하고 국내 교육과정과 교사교육에 사용될 수 있는 다양한 종류의 교육자료를 만들었습니다. 초중등학생 대상으로 스토리텔링 관련 (영어)교육과정을 학교, 마을, 도서관 프로그램으로 기획하고, 실질적으로 교육과정과 교사교육을 실행하는 분에게 필요한 자료가 될 것입니다. 교실 현장수업에 적용할 수 있는 구체적인 교육목표, 교육내용, 평가지침이 포함되어 있습니다.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

Dongil Shin, Ph.D., is a professor of applied linguistics in the Department of English Language and Literature at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. After completing his doctorate degree at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he has taught and researched storytelling practice, discourse/narrative analysis, and language assessment, mostly in Korean contexts.Gwan-Hyeok Im, Ph.D., earned a Master's degree at the University of Melbourne with specialization in language testing and a Ph.D. in Education at Queen's University, Canada. He has expertise in language teaching and testing tailored with language policy. His recent research interests include curriculum development and evaluation. Mihee Seo earned a Bachelor‘s degree from the Faculty of Language at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. She has taught English in private English language schools, published nine English workbooks and worked at a publishing company as an editor. She has a certificate of Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages (TESOL) and a certificate of Teaching TOEFL Preparation issued in Canada.Soohyeon Park, Ph.D. received her doctorate degree from the department of English language and literature at Chung-Ang university. She is a Korean instructor at Incheon National University Korean Language Institute. Her research interests include storytelling as a pedagogical tool and discursive approaches to language policy for immigrants in Korea.Woojin Shim, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Practical English at World Cyber College, Korea. He received a doctorate degree of Applied Linguistics in the Department of English Language and Literature at Chung-Ang University. He has taught ‘Teaching English for Children’, ‘Presentation and Interview in English’, ‘Business English’ in college. He has researched spoken grammar, story grammar, and different storytelling pedagogies.


Course OutlinesLevel 1-A1st and 2nd grade studentsLevel 1-B1st and 2nd grade students3rd and 4th grade students5th and 6th grade studentsLevel 1-C1st and 2nd grade students3rd and 4th grade students5th and 6th grade studentsLevel 1-D1st and 2nd grade students3rd and 4th grade students5th and 6th grade studentsLevel 2-A1st and 2nd grade students3rd and 4th grade students5th and 6th grade students...Level 6-D5th and 6th grade studentsGeneral Guidelines for the CourseLevel 1 and 2Storytelling ActivitiesGeneral Ideas for the CoursesSimple Oral Test QuestionnaireSample AssessmentSelf-AssessmentEvent Class Schedule and Contents


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