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AHNSON SAT II Math Level 2 상세페이지

외국어 어학시험

AHNSON SAT II Math Level 2

소장종이책 정가30,000
전자책 정가50%15,000
AHNSON SAT II Math Level 2 표지 이미지

AHNSON SAT II Math Level 2작품 소개

<AHNSON SAT II Math Level 2> Your ultimate guide to master SAT 2 math “concepts”
This book offers detailed explanations fit to help students with weak foundation in math. The explanations for “statistics” and “word problems” are unparalleled. With thorough explanations and proofs, you will wade through and master the important concepts. Hopefully, this book will bring you a step closer to achieving your dream.

저자 소개

• Chulhong (Tom) Ahn - a former EBS lecturer
(majored in Systems Science & Mathematics)

• Jooyoung (Paul) Son - Ed.M. at Harvard


Chapter 1: Function
Chapter 2: Linear and Quadratic Equation
Chapter 3: Polynomial
Chapter 4: Rational Function
Chapter 5: Transformations
Chapter 6: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 7: Sequence, and Summation Notation
Chapter 8: Trigonometry
Chapter 9: Trigonometric Function
Chapter 10: Logic, Piecewise Function, Parametric Equations
Chapter 11: Polar Coordinates ; Vector
Chapter 12: Matrix
Chapter 13: Conic Sections
Chapter 14: Solid Geometry
Chapter 15: Miscellaneous
Chapter 16: Word Problems
Chapter 17: Permutation and Combination
Chapter 18: Statistics
Chapter 19: Probability


구매자 별점


  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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