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The Power of Toda(y)² 상세페이지

자기계발 성공/삶의자세

The Power of Toda(y)²

<오늘의 힘> 영어버전
소장종이책 정가15,900
전자책 정가34%10,500

The Power of Toda(y)²작품 소개

<The Power of Toda(y)²> This book talks about the amazing laws of life that the author, a successful businessman who runs one of the leading Korean companies in Canada, has learned from his failure and his career on his way to success. The author names it TODA(Y)2, or "The Power of Toda(y)2," after the initials of Time, Opportunity, Development, Assessment and Yield2. This book will be a new breakthrough for life's changing readers who are sometimes despairing because they are not confident of their vision or struggle to create a "specific moment" to realize the value that they think is most important in their lives.

저자 소개

Jae Park is the author of The Power of TODA(Y)2, and the founder of Five Two Nation. When he isn't creating and developing new books and business ideas, working on a prototype for an invention, or finding ways to give someone an opportunity, he can be found having fun with his lovely wife and four active kids. Jae is a leader in business and his church, who teaches from his experience with both failure and success! Learning to overcome personal obstacles and weaknesses in his life and embrace his own unique 'super-powers', has caused him to create success in ways he never dreamed. It's his passion to share the strategies that have helped him so others who are struggling like he was can live up to their own potential.


Preface―The story behind this book―My failure was a catalyst in my success!

In the Beginning―The Disaster that Drove me to Succeed
It's Prime Time―Preparing to get the most out of this book
TODAY―The gift that keeps giving if you use it right
Time―Your most precious commodity―How to get it 'on your side'
Opportunity―How to answer when it knocks
Development―The best time-saving device you'll ever invest in
Assessment―The most life-changing chapter in this book
Yield2―The two keys to exponential growth
1st Yield: To Produce―How to create a 'success machine'
2nd Yield: To Serve and Submit―Success at the service of others, not at the expense of others

TODA(Y)2 Chart

북 트레일러


구매자 별점


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  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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