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저자 프로필

저자 소개

저자 - BIS-Edu Media
BIS-Edu Media는 유치원 및 초중고생이 영어를 읽기, 듣기, 말하기, 쓰기의 모든 영역에 대한 영어 구사능력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 하고 영어 수업을 보다 효과적으로 할 수 있는 능력을 배양시키기 위한 영어교재를 출판하는 곳으로서 학습자들이 영어는 영어로 공부해야 함을 강조하여 지문 전체를 영어로 교재를 제작하였습니다.



LESSON 1: Cultural Differences

LESSON 2: Other Concepts of Business Success

LESSON 3: Should You Trust Your Doctor?

LESSON 4: Why Are Some Families Clannish?

LESSON 5: Plastics and Other Non Biodegradable
Materials Should Be Banned

LESSON 6: Handling Family Expenses

LESSON 7: New Friends and Trust

LESSON 8: Family Responsibilities

LESSON 9: Corporal Punishment or Spanking
Actually Does More Harm Than Good

LESSON 10: Why Do People Cheat?

LESSON 11: Top Ten Must Have Gadgets

LESSON 12: How to Lead By Example

LESSON 13: Health and Productivity Go
Hand in Hand

LESSON 14: As We Treat Others So Shall We Be

LESSON 15: Do Not Wait For Solutions:
Create Them

LESSON 16: Negativity Kills

LESSON 17: Communication Starts with

LESSON 18: Between Two Positions Always
Lies a Third Option

LESSON 19: Laughter Cures

LESSON 20: Do Great Work, Have Fun and
Lend a Hand Along the Way

LESSON 21: In The End, We Are All More or
Less Human

LESSON 22: Blame the Boss? (Sometimes Yes,
Sometimes No)

LESSON 23: Take a Look in the Mirror
(Are You the Problem?)

LESSON 24: I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can

LESSON 25: “You Know What I Heard About AJ?”
(Rumors and Negative Gossip)

LESSON 26: Stormy Weather (The Business
Environment is Baaad!)

LESSON 27: “Let’s Keep This Professional” (Lack of
Personal Openness Breeds Misunderstanding)

LESSON 28: Negotiation Skills Tip #1: First Agree on
the Terms and Scope of the Dispute

LESSON 29: Negotiation Skills Tip #2: See Yourself
from the Other Party’s Point of View

LESSON 30: Negotiation Skills Tip #3: See the Other
Party from Their Point of View

LESSON 31: Negotiation Skills Tip #4: Be
Honest and Get Your Facts Right

LESSON 32: Negotiation Skills Tip #5: Use
Silence to Your Advantage

LESSON 33: Negotiation Skills Tip #6: Find
Some Objective, Fair Standards
All Sides Can Agree Upon

LESSON 34: Personal Growth Question #1:
What do I like to talk about without stopping?

LESSON 35: Personal Growth Question #2:
Do you get excited most by people, ideas or things?

LESSON 36: Personal Growth Question #3:
What do you enjoy most about the things you do today?

LESSON 37: Personal Growth Question #4:
Who can you find who does things that might interest you?

LESSON 38: Personal Growth Question #5:
Who will be your future mentors?

LESSON 39: Criticism

LESSON 40: Contracts and Agreements

LESSON 41: Operating Manuals for Equipment
or Gadgets

LESSON 42: The Importance of Reading

LESSON 43: The Importance of Owning
Private Vehicles

LESSON 44: Responsible Pet Ownership

LESSON 45: Dealing with Store or Customer

LESSON 46: Truth in Advertising

LESSON 47: The First Impression is Usually
the One That Lasts

LESSON 48: We Should Respect the Cultural
Differences of Everyone

LESSON 49: Group Discussion and Interaction

LESSON 50: The Importance of Dressing



구매자 별점


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'구매자' 표시는 리디에서 유료도서 결제 후 다운로드 하시거나 리디셀렉트 도서를 다운로드하신 경우에만 표시됩니다.

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'구매자'로 표시되지 않습니다.
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'구매자’로 표시되지 않습니다. 하지만 같은 시리즈의 유료 도서를 결제한 뒤 리뷰를 수정하거나 재등록하면 '구매자'로 표시됩니다.
영구 삭제
도서를 영구 삭제해도 ‘구매자’ 표시는 남아있습니다.
결제 취소
‘구매자’ 표시가 자동으로 사라집니다.

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