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Kim Hyung-geun

    Kim Hyung-geun 프로필

  • 국적 대한민국
  • 경력 서울위클리 발행인
    연합뉴스 근무

2015.01.15. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

Kim Hyung-geun (Hank Kim)

A journalist for 14 years, Hank quit Yonhap News Agency in 2002 to start Seoul Selection after learning—to his shock and dismay—that most expatriates in Seoul were unaware of a hit Korean movie playing at that time. He now publishes the travel and culture monthly SEOUL magazine and online newsletter SEOUL WEEKLY, and his company has published some 80 titles on Korean culture and travel. He initiated this book project in the belief that love comes from understanding.

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