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    전경욱 프로필

  • 국적 대한민국
  • 출생 1959년
  • 학력 1989년 고려대학교 대학원 국어국문학 박사
    1984년 한국정신문화연구원대학원 석사
    1982년 고려대학교 국어교육학 학사
  • 경력 고려대학교 사범대학 국어교육과 교수
    한국교육개발원 학점인정심의위원회 위원
    서울특별시 문화재위원회 전문위원
    경기도 문화재위원회 위원
    고려대학교 민속학연구소 소장
    문화재청 문화재위원회 전문위원
    1998년 미국 인디애나대학교 민속학과 교환교수
  • 링크 공식 사이트

2015.08.25. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

Jeon Kyung-wook 전경욱 Author

Jeon Kyung-wook was born in Anseong county, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea, in 1959. He received his B.A. in Korean Language Education, along an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Korean Language and Literature from Korea University. His overall research interests include Korea’s mask dance drama, pansori, and puppetry. His most recent research effort focused on a comparative study of Korean and East-Asian traditional entertainment and drama. Currently, he serves as a professor of Korean Language Education and director of the Institute of Korean Folklore at Korea University, as well as a committee member of the Cultural Heritage Administration. His published works include “The Formation of the Lyrics of the Story of Chunhyang” (Institute of Korean Culture, 1990) “Korean Mask Theater: History and Principles” (Youlhwadang, 1998) and “The Folklore of Hamgyeong-do Province” (Korea University Press, 1999).

Min Eun-young 민은영 Translator

Min Eun-young studied English Language Education at Korea University and majored in translation at the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation ofEwha Womans University. Along with translating books and articles on Korean culture into English, she was awarded a grant from the Korea Literature Translation Institute in 2007. Her translation works include “Traditional Korean Society: Modes of Transportation” (Ewha Womans University Press), and “Interior Space and Furniture of Joseon Upper-class Houses” (co-translated, Ewha Womans University Press).

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