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줄리 소르마르크 Julie Sormark

2017.01.02. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

Julie Sormark has been training English teachers for more than twenty years in Korea, Taiwan and all over Japan. She has been teaching English for 35 years, and has appeared in English education TV programs on KBS and NHK.
While living in many countries, Julie has taken the opportunity to teach English to many different nationalities. One of her concerns has always been the challenge of correct English pronunciation which prompted her action research into techniques of English language pronunciation. Julie has applied her research to develop the Pronunciation Rhythm Control Method (PRCM) which has proven to dramatically improve English speaking and listening skills for both students and teachers. Julie Sormark presently lives in Seoul, where she is actively developing new teaching materials for elementary school children and is conducting training lectures for the Pronunciation Rhythm Control Method to English language teachers.

줄리 소르마르크는 한국, 대만, 일본 등 여러나라에서 20년이상의 강사교육을 포함해 35년 이상 영어를 가르쳐 왔다. 여러나라에서 영어를 가르친 경험을 바탕으로 영어 발음을 익히기에 효과적인 방법인 PRCM(Pronunciation Rhythm Control Method)를 개발했다. PRCM은 학생들과 선생님 모두의 영어 말하기와 듣기 실력을 크게 향상시켜줄 수 있는 최상의 방법이다. 줄리 소르마르크는 현재 한국에서 거주하고 있으며 PRCM 방법에 관한 교사교육 세미나를 진행하고있다.

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