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Chungsoon C. Kim

    Chungsoon C. Kim 프로필

  • 국적 대한민국

2017.05.31. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

Chungsoon C. Kim received her undergraduate ducation in Home Economics at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea. She earned her M.A. in child development from the University of Georgia and her Ph.D. in the same field at Florida State University. She taught at San Jose State University for forty-two years (from 1965 to her retirement in 2007), with the exception of a two-year stint at Seoul National University as an associate professor and as chair of the Child and Consumer Studies Department. She was the chair of the Child and Adolescent Development Department at San Jose State University, where she is now an emeritus professor.
Dr. Kim is the author of several books, including Child Development and Guidance. She has also published twenty-six research papers in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Her research has explored the eff¬ects of child-rearing attitudes and practices on the development of children, the parenting practices of American versus Korean mothers, the effects of language on children’s development of number concepts, and sources of the a dolescent-parent conflicts in Korean-American and American families.
She is the recipient of many awards, including the Best Home Economics Professor Award and the Outstanding Advisor Award from San Jose State University, as well as the American Educational Research Association’s Outstanding Study of the Year Award.

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