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APCEIU (유네스코 아시아 태평양 국제이해교육원)

2017.09.22. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

APCEIU was established on 25 August 2000 by the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization on the Establishment of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (25 August 2000) in accordance with the Resolution of the 30th UNESCO General Conference (30C/Resolution 17).

APCEIU under the auspices of UNESCO is UNESCO's Category II institute to promote International Understanding and Peace through Education as stated in the Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms(adopted at the 18th UNESCO General Conference on 19 Nov. 1974), and also the Declaration and Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (adopted at the 18th UNESCO General Conference on 19 Nov. 1974), as well as in the Declaration and Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy recommended by the 44th International Conference on Education in 1994.

Its inception is a significant step forward to promote a Culture of Peace through Education and to renew the commitment and cooperation of UNESCO Member States and all stakeholders involved in the Asia-Pacific region.

APCEIU is working in close collaboration with UNESCO Offices, National Commissions of Member States, related educational institutes, and civil society to promote Education for International Understanding (EIU) and Global Citizenship Education(GCED) towards a Culture of Peace in the Asia-Pacific region.

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