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Innovation of Higher Education: Change-Makers at Incheon National University 1 상세페이지

인문/사회/역사 정치/사회 ,   인문/사회/역사 인문

Innovation of Higher Education: Change-Makers at Incheon National University 1

소장종이책 정가24,000
전자책 정가42%14,000

Innovation of Higher Education: Change-Makers at Incheon National University 1작품 소개

<Innovation of Higher Education: Change-Makers at Incheon National University 1> Incheon National University (INU) blazes the trail of innovation
INU spearheads change in academia in Korea and abroad

This book outlines case studies of innovation at INU, which developed a new paradigm of innovation driven by field staff. The text itself is the product of hands-on fieldwork carried out by 275 members of the INU staff. These staff members demonstrate how the driving force for innovation rises from the change-makers themselves.
The book shares INU’s tried and tested lessons on problem-solving, implementing innovation, surveying public opinion, and gathering feedback from the field, all of which allow other change-seeking universities and institutions to benchmark their innovative programs.

출판사 서평

Focused Research University (FRU), differentiating INU from Comprehensive Research Universities (CRU) or Intensive Research Universities (IRU)
FRU encourages all INU professors regardless of their specific majors to conduct research into a university-wide themes for fruitful convergence (biotech, post-unification integration, global warming, for example). Unlike conventional sequence of convergence, which is for scholars of natural sciences moving to humanities and social sciences, INU encourages permutation by reverse order. On the biotech theme for example, more than 30 papers are presented by professors of English literature, history, art and culture, etc., at the annual Global Bio-Convergence Conferences. Many of the papers are uniquely different from traditional papers in content and approach, making them first in the world.

The Matrix College curriculum reflecting company needs
For too long, the job market has seen a mismatch between the skills of university graduates and the expectations of employers. Most companies and universities were at odds over this issue. Yet INU faced the problem head-on, allowing hiring companies and institutions to design university curricula based on their needs. This led to their innovative educational program called the Matrix College. The Matrix College model is an industry-university matrix curriculum made by a graph with the university’s intensive major curricula on the x-axis and the employment-linked curriculum on the y-axis. By taking courses at the intersection of these two axes, students can prepare themselves as job candidates for desired employers. The Matrix College marked another first-time innovation in the world.

Founding and implementing 76 innovative projects since 2016
This book recounts stories of such innovations carried out at INU over the past three years. The concept of the focused research university, as well as the use of employment-linked curricula designed by companies and institutions, were unprecedented moves in Korea and also unheard of abroad.
In August of 2016, INU devised a framework for 28 new projects, which were subdivided into 72 innovation projects in April of 2018. In December of 2019, these innovation projects were expanded to 76 in INU’s “2nd Innovation Case Report” submitted to the Ministry of Education. The book provides insight into these projects along with the step-by-step process that went into creating a culture of innovation at INU. Each project falls under a category of “World’s first,” “Korea’s first,” or “INU’s first,” and readers can access a full list of the 76 innovation projects in the Appendix.

Candid discussion of challenges facing bottom-up innovation
Going beyond case studies of achievements, the book engages in candid discussion of the challenges and side-effects of innovation. The implementation of innovation projects at INU met with unexpected obstacles as well as “reasonable objections” from working-level staff. However, these issues were duly examined with staff input used to find suitable solutions. The book shares details of this problem-solving process, focusing on INU’s method for selecting and implementing projects, surveying opinions, and gathering feedback from the field. This allows the book to serve as a benchmarking tool for change-seeking universities and institutions.
The book also stands out as a collaborative effort, written by 275 members of the INU staff rather than a single author. As such, it embodies INU’s motto of “bottom-up,” compiling the on-site records and reports of field staff. For they are the driving forces of innovation, the fearless change-makers at INU.

저자 소개

Ahn Hee-soo, General Affairs Office
Chae Hui-bung, Division of Campus Facilities Planning
Cho Chan-song, Financial and Accounting Office
Cho Myungsoon, Financial and Accounting Office
Choi Oh-su, Research and Innovation Office
Chung Yu-jin, CEO of INU PRESS
Han Jong-min, General Education Team
Heo Kyoung-jeong, Academic Affairs Office
Hwang Sung-on, Professor in Dept. of Early Childhood Education
Hwang Sun-young, Human Resource Development Office
Im Seung-bin, Division of Planning and Budget
Jang Jin-ju, Teaching and Learning Support Office
Kim Ju-il, Human Resource Development Office
Kim Jung-eun, Division of Planning and Budget
Kim Pyoung-won, Professor in Dept. of Korean Language Education
Kim Soo-hyun, Administrative Assistant in Dept. of Language Education Korean
Kim Yoon-shin, Professor in Dept. of Korean Language Education
Lee Byoung-hak, Innovation Center for Engineering Education
Lee Ja-yeon, College of Information Technology Office
Oh Joo-eun, Professor in Dept. of Early Childhood Education
Park Illchoong, Research and Innovation Office
Park Jaeil, General Affairs Office
Park Sangbyong, International office
Seo Jae-shin, Division of Campus Facilities Planning
Shin Gyoung-uk, General Affairs Office



Innovation: The Courage to Take the Road Less Traveled
Innovation in Leadership

01 The Emergence of New Leaders (Field Staff Replacing CEO as the Drivers of Innovation)
Innovation that’s not top-down, but bottom-up, with all field staff taking part
Innovation in Purpose

02 Increasing the Efficiency of Fiscal Operations by Focusing the Budget on the End Users
Switching the standard for budget allocation from student capacity to student enrollment
Innovation in Values

03 Sending a Million Youths Around the World
Developing an international educator’s license to fill overseas positions for well-educated young Koreans
04 Contributing to Society through the Arts and Culture
Organizing a festival called “Incheon Music: Hic et Nunc!”
Innovation in Research

05 The Birth of a Globally Competitive Research Group
The strategy of a Focused Research University (FRU)
06 Bootstrapping Research Ability
Research-Intensive Self-motivated Education (RISE)
Innovation in Education

World’s first 07 The World’s Only Company-Led Educational Program
Companies take the initiative at Matrix College
INU’s First 08 Globalization Begins with Liberal Education
Innovative reform of liberal education courses
World’s first 09 Innovative Pursuit of a Global University to Train Global Talent
“2+2” dual degree program with overseas universities
INU’s First 10 Imparting Greater Expertise through Interdisciplinary Education
A collaborative graduate program that adds the forest and nature to early child education
Innovation in Administration

Korea’s First 11 Alternatives for the Efficient Use of Limited Educational Space
The space voucher program
Korea’s First 12 Greater Transparency and Efficiency Are the Key to Success
Management transparency through a maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) program
Korea’s First 13 “No Chance for Corruption” Builds Trust
Ensuring integrity by releasing 100% of information on contracts and transactions
Korea’s First 14 Broadening Our Perspectives through Collaboration
Giving field work to technical staff for harmonious organizational development
Korea’s First 15 Better Communication by Removing Barriers
Reducing administrative faculty, office sizes and creating “smart offices”
Innovation in Environment

16 A Smart Campus Growing in Harmony with the Songdo Eco-City
Building a sustainable eco-friendly campus
Innovation in Culture

17 The Age of Continuing Education: Laying the Foundation for a Second Career
Staff and teaching assistants get a chance to do graduate studies and teach in the extension school 183
18 Bravo! Planning for Retirement
Workers planning early retirement are given opportunities to open a start-up business on campus
Innovation in Symbols
19 Field Staff–Centered University with a 180-Degree Flipped Organization Chart
Flipping the organizational chart upside down to show that the administration is a platform, not a regulator 192
Afterword 197
2020 Incheon National University
2nd Innovation Case Report Table of Contents


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