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The Great Boer War 상세페이지

The Great Boer War작품 소개

<The Great Boer War> * 이 책은 Public Domain Books 입니다. Public Domain Books란 저작자 사후 일정 기간이 경과하여 저작권이 만료된 책을 의미합니다. 회원님께서는 인터넷 상의 기타 사이트를 통해서 이 책을 찾아보실 수도 있습니다.
* 영문 책을 최적의 환경에서 감상하기 위해서 v1.2 이상의 리디를 다운받으세요.


The Great Boer War is a non-fiction work on the Boer War by Arthur Conan Doyle and first published in 1900. By the end of the war in 1902 the book had been published in 16 editions, constantly revised by Doyle. The Introduction describes the book as:

“ A very thorough account, including tables at the end of those killed or wounded up until the 8th September when he left South Africa. This account is compiled with as much accuracy as was attainable at this date, and with as much detail as a single volume will permit. In frequent conversations with Boers, Conan Doyle has endeavoured to get their views upon both political and military questions. Often the only documents he had to consult were the convalescent officers and men under his care, therefore some errors may have crept in. The closing scenes of the Boer War have necessarily been treated with less detail than the earlier. ”

The book was completed in September 1900, at a time when the British believed that the war was over: in fact the penultimate chapter is titled "The end of the war". However, the war was to continue until 1902.

저자 프로필

아서 코난 도일 Arthur Conan Doyle

  • 국적 영국
  • 출생-사망 1859년 5월 22일 - 1930년 7월 7일
  • 학력 1885년 에든버러대학교 대학원 의학 박사
    1881년 에든버러대학교 의학 학사
  • 링크 공식 사이트

2018.12.17. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청


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