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The Gilded Age 상세페이지

The Gilded Age작품 소개

<The Gilded Age> * 이 책은 Public Domain Books 입니다. Public Domain Books란 저작자 사후 일정 기간이 경과하여 저작권이 만료된 책을 의미합니다. 회원님께서는 인터넷 상의 기타 사이트를 통해서 이 책을 찾아보실 수도 있습니다.
* 영문 책을 최적의 환경에서 감상하기 위해서 v1.2 이상의 리디를 다운받으세요.


The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today is an 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner that satirizes greed and political corruption in post-Civil War America. The term gilded age, commonly given to the era, comes from the title of this book. Twain and Warner got the name from Shakespeare's King John (1595): "To gild refined gold, to paint the lily... is wasteful and ridiculous excess." Gilding a lily, which is already beautiful and not in need of further adornment, is excessive and wasteful, characteristics of the age Twain and Warner wrote about in their novel. Another interpretation of the title, of course, is the contrast between an ideal "Golden Age," and a less worthy "Gilded Age," as gilding is only a thin layer of gold over baser metal, so the title now takes on a pejorative meaning as to the novel's time, events and people.

Although not one of Twain's more well-known works, it has appeared in more than 100 editions since its original publication in 1873. Twain and Warner originally had planned to issue the novel with illustrations by Thomas Nast. The book is remarkable for two reasons–-it is the only novel Twain wrote with a collaborator, and its title very quickly became synonymous with graft, materialism, and corruption in public life.

저자 프로필

마크 트웨인 Mark Twain

  • 국적 미국
  • 출생-사망 1835년 11월 30일 - 1910년 4월 21일
  • 학력 1901년 예일대학교 문학 명예박사
  • 데뷔 1865년 소설 뜀뛰는 개구리

2016.10.18. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청


구매자 별점


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