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Middlemarch (미들마치) 상세페이지


Middlemarch (미들마치)

소장전자책 정가12,000

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* 본 도서는 본문이 모두 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다..

Middlemarch (미들마치)작품 소개

<Middlemarch (미들마치)> 19세기 영국의 대작들 중 하나인 '미들마치'는 젊고 이상적인 여성이 엉망이라고 느끼게 되는 결혼의 실생활에 관한 우려와 함께, 생동감 넘치는 1830년대 영국을 사회적 변화를 잘 묘사한 작품입니다.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

저자 - George Eliot


1. Miss Dorothea Brooke
2. Dorothea Returns From The Infant School
3. Sir James Chettam And The Rev. Edward Casaubon At Supper
4. Miss Brooke, A Suitable Wife For Mr Casaubon
5. Letters Exchanged And A Match Made
6. Dorothea Visits Mr Casaubon's Home - The Manor House Of Lowick
7. A Dinner Party At The Grange
8. Tertius Lydgate Is Fascinated By Rosamond Vincy
9. Fred And Roasmond Visit Mr Featherstone At Stone Court
10. Mr Bulstrode, The Banker, And Mr Lydgate Discuss The New Chaplain
11. Fred, With The Help Of Mr Featherstone, Draws Closer To Mary Garth

CD 2
1. Tertius Lydgate - A Medical Career
2. The Vote For The New Hospital Chaplain
3. Dorothea And Mr Casaubon, On Honeymoon In Rome, Meet Will Ladislaw
4. Dorothea And Will Again
5. A Painting Of St Thomas Aquinas
6. Fred Vincy - A Debt On His Mind
7. Tertius Lydgate Arrives At Stone Court To See Fred
8. Back At Lowick Manor
9. An Impending Engagement

CD 3
1. Mary Garth Watches Over Peter Featherstone
2. Mr Standish, The Lawyer, Reads The Wills
3. Will Ladislaw - A Past And A Furture
4. Dorothea And Will Alone
5. A Change Of Fortune
6. Josua Rigg Faces John Raffles
7. Mr Casaubon Reconsiders His Will
8. Dorothea Visits The Lydgates
9. The Reform Bill Debate

CD 4
1. Mr Casaubon Falls Ill
2. Dorothea Goes To Stay With Celia At Freshitt Hall
3. Mr Brooke At The Hustings
4. Good News For Camden Farebrother - And A Duty To Be Done For Fred
5. Mr Bulstrode Meets A Man From The Past 00:12:54
6. Dorothea - Back At Lowick Manor
7. The March Of Progress
8. Tertius Lydgate, Under Pressure, Reveals All to Rosamund
9. Will Discovers Casubon's Codicil

CD 5
1. Raffles Reveals All To Will
2. The Past Revisits Mr Bulstrode
3. Mr Bulstrode Confesses To Will Ladislaw
4. Will Meets Dorothea
5. Lydgate's Debts Force Changes
6. Rosamund's Appeal Fails
7. Lydgate Goes to Mr Bulstrode For Advice
8. Raffles Reapears
9. Raffles Falls Ill
10. Mr Bulstrode Sits Up With Raffles
11. Scandal Starts

CD 6
1. Mr Bulstrode Defends Himself
2. The World Of Mrs Busltrode Collapses
3. Mr Lydgate's Reputation 'Blighted'
4. Dorothea Offers Her Help
5. Dorothea Comes To See Rosamund
6. Rosamund And Will - Motionless
7. Dorothea Alone
8. Dorothea Returns To Mrs Lydgate
9. Will Returns To The Lydgates
10. Will And Dorthea
11. Mary Resolves
12. Finale


구매자 별점


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