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* 본 도서는 본문이 모두 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.


<AUTUMN PRAYER> 『AUTUMN PRAYER』contains 72 pieces of poems was translated by Won Eung Soon who is serving as an Emeritus Prof. of Kyung Hee Univ. and edited by Choi Yearn Hong who is a famous poet and retired prof. teaching in the United States and Korea, living more than fifty years in the U. S.
And the book is divided four parts; 1 part, pure lyrical poems with fresh metaphorical images, 2 part, poetry of christianity half-hidden in the thin clothes of words, 3 part, poetry based on the social or historical consciousness, and the last part, brief critical views of three critics.
I supposed the poems probably make you be enjoyable with creative fresh images and fill your heart and mind with happiness out of warm emotion of humanism rooted deeply into the heavenly love soaked in the poems, on the other hand, you may become to muse of eternal truth and life by appreciating the poems of this book.
There are several articles or critical reviews of this book on Google. You can directly read them on the site by spelling 'Choi Jin Yearn' in the seek window.
I do not need to utter anymore about the poems. But I wish and hope many foreign readers in English area will be surging to enjoy theme to be more happy all, breaking up the wall of language. Holding self-reputation, I expect your appreciation. Thank you.

저자 프로필


  • 국적 대한민국
  • 출생 1941년
  • 학력 장로회신학대학교 대학원
    명지대학교 국어국문학 학사
  • 경력 국제펜클럽 한국본부 이사
  • 데뷔 1973년 <시문학지> 추천 등단

2021.01.08. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

저자 소개

저자 - 최진연
This book titled『AUTUMN PRAYER』is the author's first collection of poems translated into English from his native tongue Korean. The paper book was published in Seoul, Korea in 2012 year autumn for the 78th International PEN Congress to be presented to the foreign participants about 3hundred. During 7days of the Congress, a lot of the members were amazed at the poems of it, and saying to the author, for example, "I hope this book would be translated into Spanish." “Your poems almost have fresh images like picture, although being inspired of profound spirit."
Therefore he made up his mind to publish e-book after revising and enlarging a bit of the paper book for more readers of English area.
The author Choi Jin-Yearn is a eminent poet and writer of essays including critical essays as well as a retired pastor. At present 2014 year he has published 15 poetry books, 4 books of essays, and a book of critical essays including significant articles;「A Prospect of 21c Literature」「Is it Possible to Except Idea from Poetry?」「The Influence of Christianity on Koran Literature」「Comprehending and Composing of the Hyper Poetry」etc.
He began to write poetry as he was in high school located at his rural country far from big city, desiring to be a poet. But there was no one to lesson him about poetry except several poetry books. Unfortunately, he was seized with serious pulmonary tuberculosis in high school and at the end of fighting against the disease for 13years among the fear of death and despair of life, he saved out of the evil of illness by God's miraculous cure. Therefore many of his poems and essays treat the problems of life and death for helping readers to live more precious happy lives with the love in God.
He started to publish his poems in the anthology titled 『Gyodansi』(Teachers' Poetry) in 1967, and he debuted publically in 1973 via the poetry monthly magazine『Simunhak』and he has mostly published his poems in the magazine

역자 - 원영순


구매자 별점


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