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(Cartoon) Power and Faith: Hitler Regime and Christianity (English Version, 2) 상세페이지

종교 기독교(개신교)

(Cartoon) Power and Faith: Hitler Regime and Christianity (English Version, 2)

소장종이책 정가9,000
전자책 정가9,000
(Cartoon) Power and Faith: Hitler Regime and Christianity (English Version, 2) 표지 이미지

(Cartoon) Power and Faith: Hitler Regime and Christianity (English Version, 2)작품 소개

<(Cartoon) Power and Faith: Hitler Regime and Christianity (English Version, 2)> The christian faith is a religion of history. The faith is established through the real action in the world. The situation during the time 1933~1945 were test and temptation for the church and human being.

This book shows, how the political power of Nazis oppressed the church and christian, and how the church and christian stand against the Nazis power.

And we can recognise, what the being of church and the christian should be. Through this book we can hope, the reader see the future of church and christian.

출판사 서평

This cartoon is useful in setting our present and future right throughout history. When power and religion work right away, society and the state consist of peace and justice. It is a book suitable for learning lessons about this

저자 프로필


  • 학력 아우그스부르크 대학교 독일문예학
    독일 뮌헨대학교 독일문예학
    단국대학교 국문학과
  • 경력 현대역사연구소 객원연구원
    안양대학교 신학대학 기독교문화학과 교수
    (사)기독교윤리실천 문화소비자운동본부 연구위원
    기독교학문연구소 연구위원

2018.06.26. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

저자 소개

Dr. Taehwa Chu graduated from Dankook University, majoring in Korean Literature, and then studied German Literature/Christian Literature, Philosophy, Sociology (M.A) at Munich University in Germany, and studied German Literature and Theology (Dr. phil.) at Augsburg University. He, who made expansion of God’s kingdom through literature and literary criticism his life mission, is a Christian cultural activist who dreams that our society becomes clear and rich through healthy literary imaginations. After being a guest researcher at the Modern History Research Institute in Munich, Germany, he is currently a professor of Christian culturology in the department of theology in Anyang University. With a solid theory and a sense of realism, he has joined as a writer of of the Kukmin Daily and has published Christian cultural columns for a long time.
He works as a researcher at Christian Ethic Action Cultural Consumer Movement Headquarters and Christian Study Research Institute.
His works are , , , , , , , <101 Narrative Theology>, , , , etc.
His major research areas are Christian literature, the integrated study of literature and theology, Christian literature and literary criticism, the theory of cultural studies, German Nazi era, etc.


Book Two
VI. Persecution of Christianity / 7
4. Specific Examples of Oppression / 8
1. Threatening the Church Leadership / 8
2. Establishment of the Pro -Nazi Professors and Student Groups / 10
3. Reduction and Closure of the Theological Education Organizations / 13
4. Trespassing and Using the Chapel / 18
5. Regulation of Church Offerings / 19
6. Force of Fealty / 20
7. Obligatory Recruitment of the Christian Teens / 20
Section Four
VII. Nazification of Theology / 23
1. Abolition of the Old Testament / 132
2. Germanic Acceptance of the New Testament /30
2. The Divine Theory and the National Myth / 32
3. Christology and the Idolization of Hitler / 35
4. Confrontation of Human Theory–Between the Bible and Nazism / 40
VIII. Politicization of Faith / 45
1. From the Kingdom of God to National Groupism / 46
2. Faith as Systematic Obedience /49
3. Pneumatology and the Nazi World View Movement/ 51
4. Eschatology and the Fateful Decision / 52
IX. Distortion of the Christian Culture / 59
1. Ethics Serving People / 60
2. Political Misuse of Church Feasts / 64
3. Edit of Faithful Figures / 67
1. The Apostle Paul / 67
2. Meister Eckart / 69
3. M. Luther / 70
Section Five
X. The Conscience and Resistance of Protestants / 75
1. Resistance and Martyrdom of Protestants 1: The Church World / 76
1. M. Niemoeller / 76
2. O. Dibelius / 82
3. P. Schneider / 86
2. Resistance and Martyrdom of Protestants 2: The Theological World / 91
1. K. Barth / 91
2. P. Tillich / 98
3. D. Bonhoeffer / 100
4. H. Thielicke / 106
5. H. Gollwitzer / 112
3. The Rest Faith Leaders / 114
XI. The Conscience and Resistance of Catholics / 123
1. The Response of the Vatican / 124
1. The Vatican and Nazis / 124
2. Priests: Resistance and Martyrdom / 142
1. R. Mayer / 142
2. M. Kolbe / 148
3. A. Delp / 155
4. M. Metzger / 160
3. Believers / 164
Section Six
XII. The Post-war Reconstruction of the


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