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I have adult ADHD 상세페이지

I have adult ADHD작품 소개

<I have adult ADHD> I was diagnosed with adult ADHD at the age of 40. It's genetic and environmental, and I've had it along with tics since childhood, but I've endured it, studied, worked, and lived with it, and after two sessions with a psychiatrist, I was relieved to find out that I had adult ADHD.
I was relieved to know that I could stop running and rest, that I had been sick all my life, that there were parts of my life that I couldn't understand and explain to myself, that I couldn't explain to others, that I couldn't understand and be understood, that I had been marginalized, sick, and beaten, and that I knew the cause.

This book is about being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and the characteristics of ADHD that I have compiled from reading books and my own experiences. I send my love to the many ADHDs in the world. I wish the world was a little kinder to ADHDs.

저자 소개

I'm a former employee who became a freelancer after being diagnosed with adult ADHD.
I mostly read, write, and translate books. Because the times are evil, many ADHDs exist in children and adults.
If you are well cared for as a child, you can be cured, and I hope this book will help parents understand and society understands.


Table of Contents
Diagnosing ADHD
Is ADHD a disease?
Benefits of ADHD
Concentration problems in ADHD
ADHD and medication: Should I take medication?
ADHD and Health Insurance
ADHD, dyslexia, and learning disabilities
ADHD and Intrinsic Muscles Underdevelopment
ADHD and Socialization
Causes of ADHD
ADHD and impulsivity
ADHD and Cognition, Long-Term Memory
ADHD and regulatory skills
ADHD and Relationships
Severity of ADHD
Coexisting Conditions of ADHD
ADHD and Asperger, Brain Structure
Anger in ADHD
ADHD and Giftedness
Studying for the Distracted - Studying for ADHD with Learning Disabilities
Children and Adults with ADHD
Distress, Sensitivity to Evaluation, and Interaction in ADHD
Low threshold for ADHD
ADHD and Laziness
ADHD and Intelligence, Brainy ADHD, Metacognition
ADHD and the Survival Instinct
ADHD and Omega 3
Test your aptitude with ADHD and fingerprints
ADHD and Creativity, Entrepreneurial Temperament
ADHD and Writing
ADHD and loneliness
ADHD and Walking
ADHD and Capitalism
Become independent by tilling a classic garden and sharing it
ADHD and dependency
ADHD and Brain Development and Chronic Depression
판권 페이지


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