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An Exposition of First John 상세페이지

An Exposition of First John작품 소개

<An Exposition of First John> It is remarkable how many different topics are introduced into this brief letter, so that we are almost justified in saying with J. Morgan, "The whole realm of evangelical truth is traversed by the apostle." Blessed it is to see how the balance of Truth is preserved there. No one would regard it as a theological treatise, yet most of the fundamentals of our faith are briefly set forth in it. The Divine incarnation (1:1-3), the nature of God (1:5; 4:8), the atonement and advocacy of Christ (2:1,2), the person and work of the Holy Spirit (3:24), regeneration (2:29), the Trinity (5:7), etc. The epistle is far from being an appeal to emotionalism, yet it bids believers, "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon them" (3:1), and while affording no encouragement to rest upon feelings (as its repeated dogmatic "we know" shows), yet it is written that "our joy may be full." While it is not a discourse on humanitarianism, it stresses practical altruism (3:17,18). Though not a discussion of eschatology, yet the return of Christ (2:28) and, "the day of judgment" (4:17) are mentioned. Thus this epistle supplies an admirable corrective to one-sided views of the Christian life.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

저자 - Arthur W. Pink
Arthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, for only six weeks before beginning his pastoral work in Colorado. From there he pastored churches in California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, before moving to Sydney Australia for a brief period, preaching and teaching. In 1934, at 48 years old, he returned to his native England. He took permanent residence in Lewis, Scotland, in 1940, remaining there 12 years until his death at age 66 in 1952.


1. Introduction
2. The Humanity of Christ
3. The Life Manifested
4. Fellowship
5. Fullness of Joy
6. Light and Darkness
7. Walking in the Light
8. Sin Denied
9. Sins Confessed
10. Sin Prohibited
11. Sins Provided for
12. Obediential Assurance
13. Christ Our Exemplar
14. The New-Old Commandment
15. The Commandment Bellied
16. Light and Love
17. Hatred and Darkness
18. Forgiven Children
19. The Family Graded
20. The Family Delineated
21. The World Prohibited
22. The World Described
23. The World Doomed
24. The Last Time
25. Apostates
26. Our Anointing-Part I
27. Christian Knowledge
28. Lies and Liars
29. Antichrists
30. The Application
31. The Promise
32. Seducers
33. Our Anointing-Part II
34. Abiding in Christ
35. Righteousness
36. Amazing Grace


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