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On The Move 상세페이지

에세이/시 에세이

On The Move

소장종이책 정가13,000
전자책 정가50%6,500
On The Move 표지 이미지

On The Move작품 소개

<On The Move> This book is a compilation of the different versions of me from the past. From messy toddler-scribbles to early diary entries to book reports to essays to self-reflective speeches to research papers, I pooled my life’s works and resources in this short but poignant publication. Collecting these pieces took ages in itself, even before all the editing and revision started. I would like to thank every teacher who ever taught me and helped shaped me into the person I am now, and my family for supporting me unconditionally.
- 본문 중에서 -

출판사 서평

<On The Move>는 청심국제고등학교에 재학 중인 저자가 어린 시절부터 지금까지 써온 에세이, 리포트, 저널 등을 엮은 영어 에세이집이다.
저자의 지난 발자취를 제1부 ‘While I was in Elementary School’, 제2부 ‘While I was in Middle School’, 제3부 ‘While I was in High School’로 나누어 구성하였다.
<On The Move>를 통해, 저자의 생생한 성장기를 들여다봄과 동시에 그의 진솔하면서도 매력적인 생각과 만나 보는 시간을 가지길 바란다.

<Words of Praise>

This is a charming read for gliding over the landscape of personal growth when so much seems to twinkle than toll before early adulthood. It is also an encouraging suggestion for writing to free oneself from the usual strictures of academic writing, which often manacles people from finding and endorsing oneself.
- 한일규, CSIA

An amazing memoir of essays that showcase the development of a child into a teenager to a young adult. An inspiring read.
- 김은선, CheongShim International Academy

As someone who has always viewed Somin's writing as impressive beyond her years, this collection of essays is a precious insight into the intellectual development behind this accomplished, inspiring person. The flashes of brilliance that would characterize her later writings are hinted at throughout, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the development of a writing prowess evident in her more contemporary works. If the current trajectory of the quality of Somin's writing continues on its same course, there is no doubt that this publication will be the rst of many, and will act as a baseline for other aspiring writers in the future.
- Liam Birch, CheongShim International Academy

저자 소개

안소민 Somin Ahn
◦ Born June 2001 in Busan
◦ Attended Yongmun Elementary
◦ Enrolled in Edwin S. Richards Elementary in Candada (2012)
◦ Graduated Yongmun Elementary
◦ Currently enrolled in CheongShim International Academy (2014~)
<On The Move> is a collection of essays, book reports, journals, and papers that outlines the early life of the author.


Part 1 While I was in Elementary School

Part 2 While I was in Middle School

Part 3 While I was in High School


구매자 별점


  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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