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The Sea-Gull 상세페이지

The Sea-Gull작품 소개

<The Sea-Gull> * 이 책은 Public Domain Books 입니다. Public Domain Books란 저작자 사후 일정 기간이 경과하여 저작권이 만료된 책을 의미합니다. 회원님께서는 인터넷 상의 기타 사이트를 통해서 이 책을 찾아보실 수도 있습니다.
* 영문 책을 최적의 환경에서 감상하기 위해서 v1.2 이상의 리디를 다운받으세요.


The Seagull (Russian: Чайка, Chayka) is the first of what are generally considered to be the four major plays by the Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov. The Seagull was written in 1895 and first produced in 1896. It dramatises the romantic and artistic conflicts between four characters: the ingenue Nina, the fading actress Irina Arkadina, her son the symbolist playwright Konstantin Treplyov, and the famous middlebrow story writer Trigorin.

As with the rest of Chekhov's full-length plays, The Seagull relies upon an ensemble cast of diverse, fully-developed characters. In contrast to the melodrama of the mainstream theatre of the 19th century, lurid actions (such as Konstantin's suicide attempts) are not shown onstage. Characters tend to speak in ways that skirt around issues rather than addressing them directly; in other words, their lines are full of what is known in dramatic practice as subtext, or text that is not spoken aloud.

The opening night of the first production was a famous failure. Vera Komissarzhevskaya, playing Nina, was so intimidated by the hostility of the audience that she lost her voice. Chekhov left the audience and spent the last two acts behind the scenes. When supporters wrote to him that the production later became a success, he assumed that they were merely trying to be kind. When Constantin Stanislavski, the seminal Russian theatre practitioner of the time, directed it in 1898 for his Moscow Art Theatre, the play was a triumph. Stanislavski's production of The Seagull became "one of the greatest events in the history of Russian theatre and one of the greatest new developments in the history of world drama."

저자 프로필

안톤 파블로비치 체호프 Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

  • 국적 러시아
  • 출생-사망 1860년 1월 29일 - 1904년 7월 15일
  • 학력 1884년 모스크바대학교 의학 학사
  • 데뷔 1886년 소설 추도회
  • 수상 1888년 푸슈킨상

2014.11.24. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청


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