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Bleak House 상세페이지


Bleak House

황폐한 집
소장전자책 정가14,000

Bleak House작품 소개

<Bleak House> 거리의 빈곤한 사람들, 힘든 시기에 사랑에 빠진 연인들, 상류층의 엄청난 부자들의 세계가 배경으로 등장하는 디킨즈의 소설, 이번에는 오랫동안 질질 끌어온 잔다이스 대 잔다이스 소송이 그 배경이 된다.

저자 프로필

찰스 디킨스 Charles Dickens

  • 국적 영국
  • 출생-사망 1812년 2월 7일 - 1870년 6월 9일
  • 데뷔 1836년 문학 '보즈의 스케치'

2014.10.29. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

저자 소개

저자 - Charles Dickens


Chapter 1. In Chancery
Chapter 2. In Fashion
Chapter 3. A Progress
Chapter 4. Telescopic Philanthropy
Chapter 5. A Morning Adventure
Chapter 6. Quite at Home
Chapter 7. The Ghost's Walk
Chapter 8. Covering a Multitude of Sins
Chapter 9. Signs and Tokens
Chapter 10. The Law-Writer
Chapter 11. Our Dear Brother
Chapter 12. On the Watch
Chapter 13. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 14. Deportment
Chapter 15. Bell Yard
Chapter 16. Tom-all-Alone's
Chapter 17. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 18. Lady Dedlock
Chapter 19. Moving On
Chapter 20. A New Lodger
Chapter 21. The Smallweed Family
Chapter 22. Mr. Buckeet
Chapter 23. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 24. An Appeal Case
Chapter 25. Mrs. Snagsby Sees It All
Chapter 26. Sharpshooters
Chapter 27. More Old Soldiers Than One
Chapter 28. The Ironmaster
Chapter 29. The Young Man
Chapter 30. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 31. Nurse and Patient
Chapter 32. The Appointed Time
Chapter 33. Interlopers
Chapter 34. A Turn of the Screw
Chapter 35. Ester's Narrative
Chapter 36. Chesney Wold
Chapter 37. Jarndyce and Jarndyce
Chapter 38. A Struggle
Chapter 39. Attorney and Client
Chapter 40. National and Domestic
Chapter 41. In Mr. Tulkinghorn's Room
Chapter 42. In Mr. Tulkinghorn's Chambers
Chapter 43. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 44. The Letter and the Answer
Chapter 45. In Trust
Chapter 46. Stop Him!
Chapter 47. Jo's Will
Chapter 48 Closing in
Chapter 49. Dutiful Friendship
Chapter 50. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 51. Enlightened
Chapter 52. Obstinacy
Chapter 53. The Track
Chapter 54. Springing a Mine
Chapter 55. Flight
Chapter 56. Pursuit
Chapter 57. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 58. A Wintry Day and Night
Chapter 59. Esther's Narratvie
Chapter 60. Perspective
Chapter 61. A Discovery
Chapter 62. Another Discovery
Chapter 63. Steel and Iron
Chapter 64. Esther's Narrative
Chapter 65. Beginning the World
Chapter 66. Down in Lincolnshire
Chapter 67. The Close of Esther's Narratvie


구매자 별점


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