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Gil Seon-ju: The Cornerstone of the Korean Protestant Church(Essential Writings) 상세페이지

종교 기독교(개신교)

Gil Seon-ju: The Cornerstone of the Korean Protestant Church(Essential Writings)

소장종이책 정가13,000
전자책 정가30%9,100
Gil Seon-ju: The Cornerstone of the Korean Protestant Church(Essential Writings) 표지 이미지

Gil Seon-ju: The Cornerstone of the Korean Protestant Church(Essential Writings)작품 소개

<Gil Seon-ju: The Cornerstone of the Korean Protestant Church(Essential Writings)> The Korean Christian Church, having experienced phenomenal church growth and a great passion for missions within its short history, is proud of its place as the leading representative of Christianity in Asia. During its brief history, the Korean Church has lived through a great variety of experiences marked by persecution and suffering, zeal and dedication, church growth and foreign missions—a breadth of experience unprecedented in 2,000 years of Christianity. These experiences have been conveyed in written works that include debates between Confucian scholars and Catholic converts, as well as meditations, sermons, essays, and poems that elevated persecution and martyrdom to reflections on the next world and true faith.
Through the publication of the Korean Christian Leaders Series, the Korean Institute for Advanced Theological Studies (KIATS) seeks to organize the inheritance of the Korean Christian Church and to share it with Christians around the world. This project will first involve selecting and compiling a body of manuscripts of religious or literary value— manuscripts that clearly present the characteristics of Korean Christianity from its beginnings up to the present. Our primary subject matter includes the writings of church leaders (theologians as well as pastors), and works by social leaders, politicians, thinkers, literary persons, and artists who identified with and served the Korean Church. In organizing and selecting the original manuscripts, we will first work with each author’s printed manuscripts, including sermon texts, theses, essays, poems, and written declarations.
The priceless writings of Korean Christian leaders—diverse works that have been buried until now—will become accessible through the publication of this series, which endeavors to re-illuminate the history of Christianity and discover in it the roots of our faith. Through this we will be able to appreciate again the lives and faith of our predecessors who lived and died with passion, as role models of faithful Christians. We will be able to reflect on our own age, and re-envision God’s great plan for the future of the Korean Church. Furthermore, this series will allow an appreciation of the characteristic warmth and ingenuity of Korean Christians, and a taste indigenous to Korean faith.

저자 소개

Reverend Yeonggye, Gil Seon-ju (1869—1935) was Korea’s first Protestant pastor and the pioneer of what has become the remarkable phenomenon of Korean Christianity. His faith is the model of the orthodox faith guarded by the Korean Protestant Church today, and his character and integrity have become the standard which today’s Korean Christians strive to emulate. What follows points out the place that Reverend Gil Seon-ju occupies in the history of Korean Protestant Christianity.

Reverend Gil Seon-ju’s Importance in Korean Church History
Reverend Gil Seon-ju was active from the 1890s to the 1930s, which were the founding years of the Korean Protestant Church. He planted churches throughout the country and helped them develop into the prototypes of today’s Korean churches. It is estimated that Reverend Gil delivered more than 17,000 sermons, and that his sermons were heard by over 380,000 people. He planted churches in some sixty locations, and those who entered church leadership or theological studies under his influence numbered in the hundreds. More than three thousand converts were baptized by Reverend Gil, and the total number of people who were converted to Christianity under his evangelization surpassed seventy thousand. Moreover, within thirty-five years, Reverend Gil covered a trail of roughly ten thousand kilometers, crisscrossing the Korean peninsula and traveling as far as Manchuria. In this way he traveled about in Korea and China, leading revival meetings and Bible classes.
Reverend Gil Seon-ju was one of thirty-three signers of Korea’s Independence Declaration. As this indicates, he was one of several good shepherds who proclaimed the hope and the comfort of a new age to his people in their time of oppression under the Japanese regime. Reverend Gil’s convictions about the transformation of the age are also apparent in his exposition, Malsehak [A Study of the End Times]. His lectures on the end times gave hope to a people sunk in despair. At one time he even participated in the Independence League to raise awareness of the future. But he eventually gave up direct involvement in political activities in order to commit himself to evangelism. However, unable to give up his passion for the enlightenment of the masses, he strove to evangelize the workers’ union of Pyeongyang, an activity that might be seen as the Korean Church’s first venture in evangelizing industrial workers. As a testament to Reverend Gil’s passion for education, the neighborhood school that he started in Pandong, Pyeongyang in 1898 grew into the Sungdeok and Sunghyeon Schools.
Reverend Gil Seon-ju also started the tradition of early morning prayer meetings in 1906, and the practice of praying aloud in one voice was also his idea. He solidified the Korean Church into a church of prayer, and set an example for generations to come by his habit of Bible reading and biblical practice. For instance, it is said that Reverend Gil read through the Old Testament 30 times, the New Testament 100 times, 1 John more than 500 times, and while imprisoned during the March 1st Movement, he read through The Revelation of John 1,200 times. The Bible became like a life force flowing in his body.



I. The Lord’s Seven Words Spoken from the Cross 10
“Forgive This Crowd” 11
“You Will Be with Me in Paradise” 16
“Woman, Behold Your Son” 21
“Eloi Eloi, Lama Sabachtani” 26
“I Am Thirsty” 32
“It Is Finished” 34
“ Father! Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit” 35

II. Value and Love 37
The Most Precious Life 38
The Spiritual Revelation on the Holy Mountain 44
A Salvation in a Moment: Five Factors Necessary for Salvation 52
Love Is the Seed of Paradise 56
To Whom Shall We Go? 60

III. The Life of Christians 63
Concerning the Test of the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 64
Confess Your Sin and Pray 68
The Fragrance of Christ 74
The Three Great Blessings of the Person in Christ 78
The Five Great Essentials of the Believer 83
The Three Great Duties of the Believer 90
Correctly Discern the Grace of the Holy Spirit 96
The Responsibility of the Episcopacy 101

IV. The Dawn of Peace 107
Talking Machines and Parrots 108
The Way to Fully Receive the Holy Spirit 110
The Origin and Meaning of Thanksgiving Day in Joseon 112
The Dawn of Peace 117
Praise for Elder Ju 128
A Pulpit Handbook: Jesus’ Seven Footsteps 130
A Biblical Commentary on Daniel 133

Pastor Gil Seon-ju: 139
Suggested Readings by Reverend Gil Seon-ju 147
Chronology of Pastor Gil Seon-ju’s Life 151


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