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Micro Concept 상세페이지

인문/사회/역사 인문

Micro Concept

Soul Meets Future Knowledge
소장종이책 정가28,000
전자책 정가29%20,000
Micro Concept 표지 이미지

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Micro Concept작품 소개

<Micro Concept> “Micro concept” is recognized that there is no present but only past and future exist. This is Micro concept world (-1/ +1/).

At now faced at problems, you can solve through micro concept gate (-1/ +1/), micro concept gate is tunneled to meet future knowledge.

“Micro concept” writing comes to end. During writing I have lived in the micro concept world. Micro concept world (-1/ +1/) this world the area of micro concept actor of soul, macro concept actor is soul with body. So long I lived as macro concept actor. Macro concept actor is progress in writing this book. Micro concept world (-1/ +1/) found in this book, so this book written by energy of micro concept (-1/ +1/), micro concept is found as try to find the solution of macro concept actor living, then macro concept just used past from to now, -, I thought that macro concept knowledge is Seen knowledge, most macro concept world actor desired to be success, but most actor mind is not come to reach at macro concept actors dream. I thought that it must be macro actor affairs all is not related with macro world but it must be another power affect so then it comes to me, the world is micro concept world, micro concept point, and this is use from now to future knowledge use for solving macro concept world living problems. Micro concept world is past to now, now to future, this is micro concept world (-1/ +1/), this is comes to me, micro concept world is not present, the present is micro concept point melted past and future. So micro concept world with macro concept world are mixed to the macro concept world actor, so long the actors see Seen world features. So macro concept actor now existence is located at the both world macro concept world and micro concept world. I write that realized a macro concept world actor reach at micro concept point (-1/ +1/), I said that micro concept point is role of the micro concept world gate, micro concept world, but also to meet micro concept righteous soul actor meeting travel tunnel, so long the realized actor reach at the micro concept point (-1/ +1/), macro concept righteous soul travel using tunnel to micro concept world righteous soul destinations world. So macro concept righteous soul meets righteous soul living at in the micro concept world. So that micro concept world actor gives future knowledge. The macro concept actor gets solution from micro concept world future knowledge. So long, in the micro concept world get future idea, solve present problems. Now problems will not solve macro concept world knowledge. So long micro concept world is micro moment (-1/ +1/). Then macro concept actor must be get future knowledge from micro concept world, then macro concept actor infers that macro concept world actor just Seen is body, this is true to the macro concept world actor. But to connect micro concept unseen world actor soul, then it must be macro concept actor also has the soul. So in this micro concept infer that macro concept actor must be Unseen minor is soul seen Body, so long in this first part macro concept actor “soul + body” in this case soul is from micro concept world, body is from macro concept world. So micro concept world point of view, micro concept actor birth time so excitement with meeting body, so long a good experiment then help body to live righteous, but also, the minor unseen actor with body, then just Seen body, the soul imagined that the soul will come to micro concept righteous world soul destination but the soul faced problems, because of in the macro concept world already body goes with mind, so long micro concept actor soul do not meet because of mind, this is also in this micro concept find “soul + mind + body” so long, this macro concept actor make story. Soul and body live actor, but mind is not an actor, but mind role of living actor, so that body easily helped from mind, so that helping mind body, the body try to be get more, also be big, rich, etc. so that soul from micro concept world experience that to live at micro concept righteous soul world, then the actor live righteous, the righteous act means that shared with time others, but also help others. So actor worry mind drive body to against the ways, so that the soul so difficult even know the micro concept world righteous world living excitement. Mind do not know the micro concept world living, so that macro concept world getting big, rich to be that, do not shared time with others, but also do not help others. So long the soul it must be can’t go back to righteous world destination of micro concept world. So long if mind go to 1/, then it must be being “soul+ body” so that, this body called soulful body, at last come to soul and body meet, so that it means that the macro concept actor reach at the micro concept point (-1/ +1/) so then, macro concept actor realized but also macro concept actor can meet, macro concept actor minor soul meet micro concept actor major soul then, the macro concept actor helped from future knowledge. So macro concept problems are solved. But I have strange feeling, the soul now comes, macro concept minor actor soul, micro concept major actor soul, relationship.
How to solve sometimes I thought that in this macro concept actor “soul + mind + body” then, macro concept actor soul comes from macro concept actor birth, then, the minor of macro concept soul is so young, then macro concept actor old how to be soul, if soul live righteous, then it simple, then the old macro concept actor still “soul+ mind+ body” if mind is to 1/ then macro concept actor “soul+ body” then, it comes problems so, all of macro concept actor without mind then righteous soul living micro concept world, then mind is Satan? So I try to find another infer that soul is divided righteous soul 50 and wicked soul 50, so then a new macro concept are comes “righteous soul 50 + wicked soul50 + mind 100+ body 100” this pattern macro concept actor appeared to this micro concept book. So long then, if macro concept actor do not live righteously, a macro actor time do not shared with others, but also do not help others. Then the actor do not live righteously, then, it must be comes to wicked soul power goes to strong, then, in this cases, righteous soul hard to live with wicked soul actor, so long, righteous soul going out of a actor, so then strong wicked mind actor comes “wicked soul being 100 + mind 100+ body” so long in this case, the macro concept world actor live desired to get rich, binger. I do not know reach at the desired. But if an actor lives righteously then, the actor shared time with others but also helped others then, in this case also pure righteous so called strong righteous soul being then wicked soul also run away from the macro concept actor so long it automatically mind is being to 1/ so long, it comes a new macro concept actor “righteous soul 100+ body100” so long this is macro concept actor reach at the micro concept point (-1/ +1/), so long the righteous soul macro concept actor reach at the micro concept point, so long, the actor used micro concept tunnel to meet micro concept righteous soul actor meet, so then, micro concept righteous living actor blessing credit help macro concept righteous living actor, so righteous living actor get blessed from micro concept righteous soul actor. In the end in this micro concept book gives that macro concept actor live is so deep related with micro concept world. The excitement and reach perfection is depends on both macro concept world and micro concept world. The process is macro concept world actor live righteous or wicked, so then righteous living save in the righteous soul world blessing bank, but wicked lived actor saved at the wicked soul micro concept world cursed bank credit. So that macro concept live in the macro concept world and micro concept world, then, macro concept world is Seen world so, wicked or righteous way living, but in the macro concept actor living is also comes from micro concept world (-1/ +1/), so long micro concept world actor try to help, righteous soul help righteous actor, but wicked actor try to use wicked soul saved energy, so this energy is cursed energy. So long, macro concept world living is connected with macro concept world but also micro concept world is not segregated. Here is micro concept is (-1/ +1/), this means that past and future combined. So long it must be macro concept and micro concept is closely related. The sure thing is micro concept world and macro concept world meeting actor is soul. Micro concept is soul living. This so hard to saying but the soul, macro concept actor how to live, live righteous or wicked live then, the actor returned as dead, then righteous actor soul destination but also wicked lived then after dead then the actor located at the wicked soul destination. So long, it must be again infer that, righteous soul actor number is not many, but wicked soul number so many. Infer that what said in the micro concept in the birth time new actor being “righteous soul 50 wicked souls 50 + mind 100 +body 100” then it must be combined to a new soul of macro concept minor actor, then righteous soul 1 to wicked soul 1 to make a soul, so long, if live righteous then in the micro concept, righteous soul live eternity but wicked soul actor to be eternity then, time will be fall behind.
In conclusion, micro concept try to say a simple ways, do shared time with others, but also help others. Then it comes to Excitement to perfection.

Micro concept world is past to now, now to future, this is micro concept world (-1/∞ +1/∞), this is comes to me, micro concept world is not present, the present is micro concept point melted past and future. So micro concept world with macro concept world are mixed to the macro concept world actor, so long the actors see Seen world features. So macro concept actor now existence is located at the both world macro concept world and micro concept world. I write that realized a macro concept world actor reach at micro concept point (-1/∞ +1/∞), I said that micro concept point is role of the micro concept world gate, micro concept world, but also to meet micro concept righteous soul actor meeting travel tunnel, so long the realized actor reach at the micro concept point (-1/∞ +1/∞), macro concept righteous soul travel using tunnel to micro concept world righteous soul destinations world. So macro concept righteous soul meets righteous soul living at in the micro concept world. So that micro concept world actor gives future knowledge. The macro concept actor gets solution from micro concept world future knowledge.
I have been helped from all of righteous souls, actually it is not go by me, this book all write in my soul get idea. My soul really helped me going this book writing. This book is consists of micro concept world, macro concept world, and actor is righteous soul actor, wicked soul actor. I’m so happy come to conclusion of this micro concept world. Please go for published to book, if a macro concept actor read this book then, it is my really glory. Even this book is English expression is poor but this book contents writing also poor but reader understand me, this is concept, but also this book please help you to get more answer in you working.

저자 소개

저자 - Seong-Ju Choi
Education (학력): Hawaii Pacific University MBA
Vocation (직업): Public Official for 23 years


Part 1 Building “Micro Concept”
“Micro Concept (-1/∞ +1/∞)” Time & Place is completed

Part 2 “Micro Concept (-1/∞ +1/∞)” built Macro
Concept Actor Progress

Macro concept actor formed “soul + body”
Macro concept actor formed “soul +mind + body”
Macro concept actor formed of “Wicked soul 50
Righteous soul 50 +mind100 + body100”


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