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Gleanings in Exodus 상세페이지

Gleanings in Exodus작품 소개

<Gleanings in Exodus> Historically, the book of Exodus treats of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt; but viewed doctrinally, it deals with redemption. Just as the first book of the Bible teaches that God elects unto salvation, so the second instructs us how God saves, namely, by redemption. Redemption, then, is the dominant subject of Exodus. Following this, we are shown what we are redeemed for-worship, and this characterizes Leviticus, where we learn of the holy requirements of God and the gracious provisions He has made to meet these. In Numbers we have the walk and warfare of the wilderness, where we have a typical representation of our experiences as we pass through this scene of sin and trial?our repeated and excuseless failures, and God’s long-sufferance and faithfulness. And so we might continue.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

저자 - Arthur W. Pink
Arthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, for only six weeks before beginning his pastoral work in Colorado. From there he pastored churches in California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, before moving to Sydney Australia for a brief period, preaching and teaching. In 1934, at 48 years old, he returned to his native England. He took permanent residence in Lewis, Scotland, in 1940, remaining there 12 years until his death at age 66 in 1952.


1. Introduction
2. Israel in Bondage
3. The Early Days of Moses
4. Moses at the Burning Bush
5. Moses Called and His Response
6. The Significance of the Signs
7. Lessons in Service
8. Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
9. Jehovah's Covenant
10. The Hardened Heart
11. The Plagues Upon Egypt
12. Pharaoh's Compromises
13. The Death of the Firstborn
14. The Passover
15. The Accompaniments of the Passover
16. The Exodus from Egypt
17. Crossing the Red Sea
18. Israel's Song
19. In the Wilderness
20. The Manna
21. Manna-A Type of Christ
22. The Smitten Rock
23. Amalek
24. Moses' Wife
25. Israel at Sinai
26. The Law of God
27. The Ten Commandments
28. The Decalogue and Its Sequel
29. The Perfect Servant
30. The Covenant Ratified
31. The Tabernacle
32. The Ark
33. The Mercy Seat
34. The Table
35. The Lampstand
36. The Curtained Ceiling
37. The Coverings
38. The Boards
39. The Veil
40. The Tabernacle Door
41. The Brazen Altar
42. The Outer Court
43. The Priesthood
44. Aaron's Garments
45. The Breastplate
46. The Urim and Thummim
47. The Vestments of the Priests
48. The Continual Burnt Offering
49. The Golden Altar
50. The Atonement Money
51. The Laver
52. The Anointing Oil
53. The Appointed Artificers
54. The Sabbath and Israel
55. The Golden Calf
56. The Typical Mediator
57. The Righteous Judge
58. Israel Plagued
59. Outside the Camp
60. Grace Abounding
61. Sovereign Mercy
62. God's Governmental Principles
63. A Jealous God
64. God's Claims
65. The Sinaiatic Covenant
66. The Glorified Mediator
67. The Lord's Dwelling Place
68. Moses-A Type of Christ


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