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Eerie Tales from Old Korea 상세페이지

소설 한국소설

Eerie Tales from Old Korea

소장종이책 정가9,500
전자책 정가40%5,700

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* 본 도서는 본문이 모두 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.

Eerie Tales from Old Korea작품 소개

<Eerie Tales from Old Korea> SPIRITS, MONSTERS, AND DEMONS

Homer B. Hulbert and James S. Gale, two of the most famous North American missionaries to come to Korea in the 1880s, were very fond of ghost stories, but for years the Korean scholars they met swore that no such stories existed in Korea. Eventually, they discovered that Korea, too, had a plentiful supply of ghosts and spirits, celebrated in many eerie tales. However, because the stories had seemed too frivolous or were connected with shamanism and Buddhism, the scholars had been ashamed to talk about them.
A main source of these stories were collections of 'yadam.' These were a form of short tale, especially popular in the Joseon period. Whereas Confucian classics were the gateway to officialdom, 'yadam' offered an escape valve, dealing with things much closer to daily life. The stories told there were about individuals who were not always admirable paragons of Confucian virtue; rather, they were often artful dodgers who managed to escape from tricky situations; survive traps; deal with ghosts, spirits, and nine-tailed foxes; and even get rich in the process.
As we celebrate the one hundred-fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Hulbert and Gale, the present selection of Korean ghost stories—nostalgic for their echoes of the lost world of old Korea and its many ghosts—is offered for the pleasure of readers in the twenty-first century, one hundred years after their original publication.

저자 프로필


  • 국적 대한민국
  • 출생 1942년 1월 3일
  • 학력 옥스퍼드대학교 문학 박사
  • 경력 왕립아시아협회 한국지부 회장
    떼제 공동체(Community of Taize) 회원
    서강대학교 명예교수

2023.09.01. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

저자 소개

안선재 (Brother Anthony) 교수는 영국에서 태어나 옥스퍼드 대학에서 수학한 후 1980년에 한국으로 건너와 1994년에 우리나라로 귀화했다. 서강대학교에서 20년 넘게 영어영문학과 교수로 재직하였으며 2007년 이후에는 서강 대학교 명예 교수이자 초빙 교수로 있다. 떼제 공동체(Community of Taize)의 회원이며, 현재 왕립아시아협회(Royal Asiatic Society) 한국지부 회장을 맡고 있다. 1988년부터 한국 문학을 번역하기 시작하여 지금까지 30권이 넘는 영문 번역서를 발간하였다. 그가 번역한 한국 문학 작품으로 고은 시인의 <화엄경, little Pilarim>, 천상병 시인의 <귀천, Back to Heaven>, 서정주 시인의 <밤이 깊으면, The Early Lyrics>, 그 밖에도 구상, 신경림, 김광규, 이문열의 소설 등 한국 시와 소설의 영문 번역서를 냈다.

Korea Times Translation Award, the Republic of Korea Literary Award (Translation), the Daesan Award for Translation, and the Korea PEN Translation Prize.




Part I
A Beggar’s Wages
A Hunter’s Mistake
The Donkey Maker
A Submarine Adventure
Necessity, the Mother of Invention
The Essence of Life
The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg
An Aesculapian Episode
Cats and the Dead
A Korean Jonah
A Brave Governor
Hen Versus Centipede
A Tiger Hunter’s Revenge
How Jin Outwitted the Devils
The Ghost of a Ghost
The Tenth Scion

Part II
The Story of Jang Doryeong
Yun Se-Pyeong, the Wizard
The Literary Man of Imsil
The Man on the Road
The Man Who Became a Pig
The Grateful Ghost
Ten Thousand Devils
The Home of the Fairies
The Snake’s Revenge
The Brave Magistrate
The King of Hell
Hong’s Experiences in Hades


구매자 별점


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