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Basic Principles of Robotic Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction 상세페이지

과학 과학일반

Basic Principles of Robotic Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction

소장종이책 정가170,000
전자책 정가30%119,000

Basic Principles of Robotic Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction작품 소개

<Basic Principles of Robotic Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction> Robotic surgical systems have changed surgeons‘ experience. Endoscopic or laparoscopic surgery can provide minimally invasive surgery for patients. There is no difference between endoscopic and robotic surgery in terms of the patients` outcomes. However, robotic surgery definitely delivers a better experience for surgeons than endoscopic surgery.

This book will be a good friend not only for breast surgeons, but also for plastic and reconstructive surgeons who are interested in using innovative robotic surgical systems in breast surgery all over the world.

This book is written for breast surgeons or fellows who have not experienced surgery with robotic systems.

I hope this book will be a good friend to guide fellow surgeons all over the world into a new way of robotic breast surgery.

저자 소개

Hyung Seok Park MD, PhD
Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine
Breast Cancer Center, Yonsei Cancer Center
Yonsei University Health System, Seoul, Korea


SECTION 1 Introduction of Robotic Surgery

1 Robotic Surgical Systems

2 Development of Robotic Mastectomy

3 Current Evidences for Robotic Mastectomy

4 FDA Warning about Robotic Mastectomy

SECTION 2 Preclinical Skill Lab and Perioperative Preparation

5 Preclinical Skill Lab for Robotic Mastectomy

6 Candidate Selection for Robotic Mastectomy

7 Preparation at Ward for Robotic Mastectomy

SECTION 3 Robotic or Endoscopic Mastectomy

8 Gas-Inflated Robot-Assisted Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

9 Gasless Robot-Assisted Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

10 Gasless Endoscopy-Assisted Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

11 Robot-Assisted Nipple-Sparing Using the Single Port System

SECTION 4 Immediate Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction

12 Introduction of Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction

13 Two-stage Breast Reconstruction

14 One-stage Breast Reconstruction, Direct-to-implant

15 Postoperative Results of Immediate Prosthetic Reconstruction after RNSM

16 Postoperative Managements of Immediate Prosthetic Reconstruction after RNSM

Appendix Standard Operating Procedure Ver. 1.0 for the Gas-Inflated Robotic Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Using a Multiport Robotic Surgical System (da Vinci Xi) 1


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