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Poems of Baudelaire (영어로 읽는 세계문학 737) 상세페이지

Poems of Baudelaire (영어로 읽는 세계문학 737)작품 소개

<Poems of Baudelaire (영어로 읽는 세계문학 737)> <보들레르 시집> 영문판.
1952년에 출간된 샤를 보들레르의 시집.
<악의 꽃 LES FLEURS DU MAL>(1861) 126편 등 총 157편의 작품이 수록되었다.

저자 프로필

저자 소개

샤를 보들레르 (Charles-Pierre Baudelaire)
1821~1867. 프랑스의 시인, 비평가. 파리(Paris) 출생.
1845년 <1845년의 살롱 Salon de 1845>을 출판하여 미술비평가로 데뷔하였다. 1857년 첫 시집 <악의 꽃 Les Fleurs du Mal>을 출판하였으나 미풍양속(美風良俗)을 해친다는 이유로 벌금과 수록된 시 6편을 삭제하라는 판결을 받았다. 1861년 <악의 꽃>을 재판(再版)하였고 이 무렵부터 작가적 명성을 얻기 시작하였다. 보들레르의 시는 베를렌, 랭보, 말라르메 등 상징파 시인들에게 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 주요 저서에 <인공낙원 Les paradis artificiels>(1860) <파리의 우울 Le spleen de Paris>(1869) 등이 있다.


Translator’s Note
Editorial Note
To the Reader
Spleen et Idéal
1. Benediction
2. The Albatross
3. Elevation
4. Correspondences
5. I Love the Thought of those old naked Days
6. The Beacons
7. The Sick Muse
8. The Venal Muse
9. The Evil Monk
10. The Enemy
11. Ill Luck
12. Former Life
13. Gipsies on the Road
14. Man and the Sea
15. Don Juan in Hell
16. The Punishment of Pride
17. Beauty
18. The Ideal
19. The Giantess
20. The Mask
21. Hymn to Beauty
22. Exotic Perfume
23. Her Hair
24. More than the night’s vault it’s you that I adore
25. You’d stick the world into your bedside lane
26. Sed non Satiata
27. With waving opalescence in her gown
28. The Snake That Dances
29. The Carcase
30. De Profundis Clamavi
31. The Vampire
32. One night when near a fearful Jewess lying
33. Posthumous Remorse
34. The Cat
35. The Duel
36. The Balcony
37. The Possessed
38. A Phantom
39. For you this poem: if my name should reach
40. Semper Eadem
41. All in One
42. What can you say, poor lonely soul of mine
43. The Living Torch
44. Reversibility
45. Confession
46. Spiritual Dawn
47. Evening Harmony
48. The Flask
49. Poisons
50. Misty Sky
51. The Cat
52. The Splendid Ship
53. Invitation to the Voyage
54. The Irreparable
55. Conversation
56. Song of Autumn
57. To a Madonna
58. Song of Afternoon
59. Sisina
60. Praises of My Francisca
61. To a Colonial Lady
62. Moesta et Errabunda
63. The Ghost
64. Autumn Sonnet
65. Sorrow of the Moon
66. Cats
67. The Owls
68. The Author’s Pipe
69. Music
70. The Burial of an Accursed Poet
71. Fantastic Engraving
72. The Joyous Dead
73. The Cask of Hate
74. The Cracked Bell
75. Spleen
76. Spleen
77. Spleen
78. Spleen
79. Obsession
80. The Thirst for the Void
81. Alchemy of Sorrow
82. Sympathetic Horror
83. Heautontimoroumenos
84. The Irremediable
85. The Clock
Tableaux Parisiens
86. The Landscape
87. The Sun
88. The Red-Haired Beggar Girl
89. The Swan
90. The Seven Old Men
91. The Little Old Women
92. The Blind
93. A Passer by
94. The Skeleton Navvy
95. Evening Twilight
96. The Gamblers
97. The Dance of Death
98. Love of Lies
99. Neighbouring on the city, I recall
100. Now the great-hearted servant, who aroused
101. Mist and Rain
102. Parisian Dream
103. Morning Twilight
Le Vin
104. The Soul of Wine
105. The Wine of the Rag Pickers
106. The Wine of the Murderer
107. The Wine of the Solitary Man
108. The Wine of Lovers
Les Fleurs du Mal
109. Destruction
110. The Martyr
111. Damned Women
112. The Two Good Sisters
113. The Fountain of Blood
114. Allegory
115. Beatrice
116. Voyage to Cytherea
117. Love and the Skull
118. The Denial of St. Peter
119. Abel and Cain
120. Litanies of Satan
La Mort
121. The Death of Lovers
122. The Death of Paupers
123. The Death of Artists
124. The End of the Day
125. Dream of a Curious Person
126. The Voyage
1. Romantic Sunset
Pièces Condamnées Tirées des Fleurs du Mal
2. Lesbos
3. Damned Women
4. Lethe
5. To One Who Is Too Gay
6. The Jewels
7. The Metamorphoses of the Vampire
8. The Fountain
9. Bertha’s Eyes
10. Hymn
11. The Monster
12. Verses for Honoré Daumier’s Portrait
13. On Manet’s Picture ‘Lola of Valencia’
14. On Delacroix’ Picture of Tasso in Prison
Pièces Diverses
15. The Voice
16. The Ransom
17. To a Girl from Malabar
Nouvelles Fleurs du Mal
1. Midnight Enquiry
2. Epigraph for a Condemned Book
3. Sad Madrigal
4. The Fang
5. The Rebel
6. Far Away from Here
7. Meditation
8. The Gulf
9. Complaint of an Icarus
10. The Lid
Poèmes Ajoutés à l’édition Posthume
11. Pagan Prayer
12. The Moon Offended
13. To Théodore de Banville, 1842
The Unforeseen


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