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Progress and Poverty 상세페이지

Progress and Poverty작품 소개

<Progress and Poverty> 1879 년 사회 이론가이자 경제학자 인 Henry George가 쓴 책으로 빈곤이 경제 및 기술 발전에 수반되는 이유와 경제가 주기적 호황과 불황을 향한 경향을 보이는 이유에 관한 논문 모음집이다. George는 역사와 연역적 논리를 사용하여 천연 자원 및 토지 소유권에서 경제적 임대료 를 확보하는 데 초점을 맞춘 급진적 인 해결책을 주장하고 있다.
진보와 빈곤 은 조지의 첫 번째 책으로 1890 년대에 성경을 제외하고 미국에서 판매 된 다른 모든 책을 능가하는 수백만 부를 판매되었다. 이 책은 현재 ' 조지주의 ' 로 알려진 이데올로기를 중심으로 진보적 인 시대 와 세계적인 사회 개혁 운동 을 촉발시키는 데 도움이 되었다.

저자 소개

헨리 조지는 미국 필라델피아의 가난한 가정에서 태어났다. 성장 후 글쓰기 능력을 인정받아 샌프란시스코 ‘타임스’ 기자로 발탁되고 편집장이 되었다. 조지는 1879년 이 책 “진보과 빈곤”을 발간하여 큰 명성을 얻었다.


Book I.—Wages and Capital : 임금과 자본
Chapter I.—The current doctrine of wages—its insufficiency
Chapter II.—The meaning of the terms
Chapter III.—Wages not drawn from capital, but produced by the labor
Chapter IV.—The maintenance of laborers not drawn from capital
Chapter V.—The real functions of capital
Book II.—Population and Subsistence : 인구와 식량
Chapter I.—The Malthusian theory, its genesis and support
Chapter II.—Inferences from facts
Chapter III.—Inferences from analogy
Chapter IV.—Disproof of the Malthusian theory
Book III.—The Laws of Distribution : 분배의 법칙
Chapter I.—The inquiry narrowed to the laws of distribution—necessary relation of these laws
Chapter II.—Rent and the law of rent
Chapter III.—Interest and the cause of interest
Chapter IV.—Of spurious capital and of profits often mistaken for interest
Chapter V.—The law of interest
Chapter VI.—Wages and the law of wages
Chapter VII.—Correlation and co-ordination of these laws
Chapter VIII.—The statics of the problem thus explained
Book IV.—Effect of Material Progress Upon the Distribution of Wealth : 물질적 진보가 부의 분배에 미치는 영향
Chapter I.—The dynamics of the problem yet to seek
Chapter II.—Effect of increase of population upon the distribution of wealth
Chapter III.—Effect of improvements in the arts upon the distribution of wealth
Chapter IV.—Effect of the expectation raised by material progress
Book V.—The Problem Solved : 문제해결
Chapter I.—The primary cause of recurring paroxysms of industrial depression
Chapter II.—The persistence of poverty amid advancing wealth
Book VI.—The Remedy : 해결책
Chapter I.—Insufficiency of remedies currently advocated
Chapter II.—The true remedy
Book VII.—Justice of the Remedy : 해결책의 정당성
Chapter I.—Injustice of private property in land
Chapter II.—Enslavement of laborers the ultimate result of private property in land
Chapter III.—Claim of land owners to compensation
Chapter IV.—Private Property in land historically considered
Chapter V.—Property in land in the United States
Book VIII.—Application of the Remedy : 해결책의 적용
Chapter I.—Private property in land inconsistent with the best use of land
Chapter II.—How equal rights to the land may be asserted and secured
Chapter III.—The proposition tried by the canons of taxation
Chapter IV.—Indorsements and objections
Book IX.—Effects of the Remedy : 해결책 효과
Chapter I.—Of the effect upon the production of wealth
Chapter II.—Of the effect upon distribution and thence upon production
Chapter III.—Of the effect upon individuals and classes
Chapter IV.—Of the changes that would be wrought in social organization and social life
Book X.—The Law of Human Progress : 인간 진보의 법칙
Chapter I.—The current theory of human progress—its insufficiency
Chapter II.—Differences in civilization—to what due
Chapter III.—The law of human progress
Chapter IV.—How modern civilization may decline
Chapter V.—The central truth


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