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History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 상세페이지

History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt작품 소개

<History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt> #전기 #클레오파트라 #제이콥 애보트 #역사를 만든 사람들 #고대 이집트 #영어 #원서

History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt is one of many biographies aimed at young people written by Jacob Abbott.

The story of Cleopatra is a story of crime. It is a narrative of the course and the consequences of unlawful love. In her strange and romantic history we see this passion portrayed with the most complete and graphic fidelity in all its influences and effects; its uncontrollable impulses, its intoxicating joys, its reckless and mad career, and the dreadful remorse and ultimate despair and ruin in which it always and inevitably ends.

저자 소개

Jacob Abbott (1803-1879) was an American writer of children's books. He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science.


Front page
I. The Valley of the Nile
II. The Ptolemies
III. Alexandria
IV. Cleopatra’s Father
V. Accession to the Throne
VI. Cleopatra and Cæsar
VII. The Alexandrine War
VIII. Cleopatra a Queen
IX. The Battle of Philippi
X. Cleopatra and Antony
XI. The Battle of Actium
XII. The End of Cleopatra
About the Author


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