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Homo Mobilians 상세페이지

Homo Mobilians작품 소개

<Homo Mobilians> A new evolution of human civilization has just begun with the power of Smart and Social Korea’s First Book on Future that Predicted the Era of Super-Human Race when Everybody Becomes a Superman.

저자 프로필

Lee Min-Hwa

  • 국적 대한민국
  • 출생 1953년 12월 8일
  • 학력 2000년 순천향대학교 경영학 명예박사
    1986년 카이스트 대학원 전자공학 박사
    1978년 카이스트 대학원 석사
    1976년 서울대학교 학사
  • 경력 창조경제연구회 이사장
    한국디지털병원 수출사업협동조합 이사장
    KAIST 초빙교수
    벤처기업협회 명예회장
    유라시안네트워크 이사장
    2009년 한국기술거래소 이사장
    2002년 경제사회연구회 이사
    2001년 메디슨 대표이사
    2000년 사법개혁추진위원회 위원
    2000년 규제개혁위원회 위원
    1997년 아시아태평양경제협력체 한국대표
  • 링크 공식 사이트페이스북트위터

2014.11.06. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

저자 소개

Lee Min-Hwa
Founder of Medison Co., a company that sparked the venture business boom in Korea, Lee Min-hwa received a Ph.D in electrical engineering from KAIST. He was the first president of the Korea Venture Business Association (KOVA), and he is credited with having engineered the establishment of KOSDAQ and also the initiation of the Special Act for Venture Business. His achievements were recognized when he received the CEO of the Year Grand Prix from the Korea Management Association, and was selected as one of the Top 60 Engineers Who Had Built Korea as well as one of the Top 100 Engineers of Korea. Currently, he is the honorary chairman of KOVA, a chairman of the Eurasian Network, visiting professor of KAIST, and chairman of the Korea Digital Hospital Export Agency.
While he was an official ombudsman, he strived for deregulation for the small and medium businesses of Korea. Today, as a professor of KAIST, he is devoted to the cultivation of talented entrepreneurs and the teaching of business ethics. As the honorary chairman of KOVA, he has been playing a critical role in promoting and supporting venture startups. He has also founded the Eurasian Network through which he is charting the future of the country. He is the author of many internationally published research papers and over 10 books including Han Management. He invented over 170 patents in the medical and mobile areas as well.


❖ PART I. The Birth of Homo Mobilians
∙ Homo Mobilians
∙ Network power
∙ Network Science
∙ Waiting for the Smart World

❖ PART II. The Evolution of Homo Mobilians
∙ Smart Phone and the Evolution into Cyborg
∙ Social Network and the Evolution into Super-Humans
∙ Evolution into the Age of Big Data
∙ Waiting for the Smart World

❖ PART III. Smart World: Convergence of Time, Space, and Man
∙ Convergence of Time, Space and Man
∙ Convergence of Media
∙ Convergence of Living
∙ Convergence of the World
∙ Moving Forward to the Singular Point
∙ Waiting for the Smart World

❖ PART IV. Evolution of the Smart Phone
∙ The Future of the Smart Phone
∙ The Smart Phone and the Five Senses
∙ Social Elements of Smart Phone
∙ Humanization of the Smart Phone
∙ Waiting for the Smart World

❖ PART V. Future of the Social Network
∙ The Age of Social Networking
∙ Expansion of the Social Network
∙ Attributes of Social Networks
∙ Diverse Viewpoints on Social Networks
∙ Socialization Examples
∙ Waiting for the Smart World

❖ PART VI. The Future of Homo Mobilians
∙ A Day in a Homo Mobilian’s Life
∙ The Dark Side of the Homo Mobilians
∙ Is the Smart World a Good World?
∙ Globalization of the “Benefit all Man” Philosophy
∙ Waiting for the Smart World


구매자 별점


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