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Korea's Natural Wonders 상세페이지

리디 info

* 본 도서는 본문이 모두 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.

Korea's Natural Wonders작품 소개

<Korea's Natural Wonders> For those living in Seoul, it's easy to conclude that the urban swath of concrete grays and muddy browns is all there is to see in Korea. Yet those who look up can glimpse crests of mountains, seemingly faraway yet thankfully ever-present. Such is Korean nature—never imposing or intimidating, forever patiently waiting for us to take notice. In a way, this book was written in the hope of encouraging more readers to take notice of this subdued, yet spectacular, beauty.


Introduction 6

Chapter 1
Symbol of Seoul, the Hangang River 10

Background and Geography
History of the Hangang River
Ecology Parks
Beyond the "Miracle of the Han"

Chapter 2
Three Major Mountains 30

Mt. Bukhansan: Seoul's Stronghold
Mt. Jirisan: A Warm Embrace
Mt. Seoraksan: Korea's Spiritual Touchstone

Chapter 3
Surrounded on Three Sides by Sea 48

A History on the Ocean
West Sea: The Rich Tidal Flats of the Yellow Sea
East Sea: Deep Waters, New Hope
South Sea: Many Islands, Many Flavors
Food and Lifestyle

Chapter 4
Rich Wetlands 62

Korea's Wetlands: Five Wetlands, Five Colors
Upo Wetlands: A Masterpiece of Nature
The Future of the Wetlands
From Reclamation to Conservation

Chapter 5
Treasure of Nature, Jeju 80

Olle Trails
The Volcanic Island
Lifestyles and People


Information 96

Delving Deeper

• Cafés on the Hangang River 28

• Temple Stays 35

• The Dragon King 61

• Migratory Birds 78

• Samseonghyeol 93

• Korea's Trails 94


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