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The Mugunghwa Seonbi Namgung Eok 상세페이지

종교 기독교(개신교) ,   인문/사회/역사 인문

The Mugunghwa Seonbi Namgung Eok

무궁화 선비 남궁억 영문판
소장종이책 정가16,000
전자책 정가30%11,200
The Mugunghwa Seonbi Namgung Eok 표지 이미지

The Mugunghwa Seonbi Namgung Eok작품 소개

<The Mugunghwa Seonbi Namgung Eok> Though he was a major journalist in his day, Hanseo Namgung Eok did not publish many articles in newspapers or magazines. For this reason, we can only glean about his life and thoughts from the textbooks and history books that he left behind. This book is divided into four parts. They are the pieces he wrote, the songs he either wrote himself or popularized, the anecdotes related to him, and the police interrogation records.
Part I consists of the anecdotes related to Hanseo Namgung Eok. The intent here is to remember Namgung Eok, who lived a life of action, through the anecdotes from his younger days, and especially those from his days in Mogok after his retirement.
Part II consists of the songs that Namgung Eok either wrote or distributed, along with concise explanations about them. He wrote lyrics to more than one hundred songs, though many of them were prohibited or censored by Japan. Fortunately, more than one hundred songs have been preserved and continue to be sung by people. In the midst of the uncertain fate of the nation, Namgung flowered hope through the lyrics he wrote, just like in the case of the mugunghwa itself.
Part III contains writings from Namgung’s active days as a journalist while still a government official. In addition to those from his time as the president of the Daehan Association and the Hwangsung Newspaper, the original manuscripts of his congratulatory speeches about the founding issues and editorials are provided.
Part IV introduces Namgung Eok, the educator. This section contains not only A Brief History of the East and Joseon Story, which were written after Namgung’s retirement, but also selections from the Education Monthly and Domestic Education. While Domestic Education was the product of his recognition of the importance of women, it also showed how authentic, practical, and wise his faith was. The selection from Joseon Story (five books in total) delineates the situation at the end of the Joseon Dynasty, the March 1st Movement, and the oppression by Japan, as recorded in Book No. 5. The testimonies of the eyewitnesses, who were present during the actual events, and those who experienced and endured all kinds of hardships and torture at the hand of the Japanese, present vividly those aspects that are not contained in other history books.
Lastly, Part V provides the interrogation records from Namgung’s time of arrest and interrogation for violating the National Security Act in 1933. His calm confessions at the age of seventy, in the face of the Japanese police, talking about his vision for the independence of Korea and the task for the nation, remain a great challenge to us today.
Relevant photos and related resources are included throughout the book so as to aid the understanding of the readers. I hope that this book will not just serve as a simple record of Hanseo Namgung Eok the individual but more importantly an instrument through which the meaning of Namgung Eok’s life and the significance of the mugunghwa are planted in the hearts of readers.

저자 소개

저자_ 남궁억
남궁억은 1863년 한성 서부(현 서울 정동) 왜송골에서 태어났다. 그는 젊은 시절 구한말의 관료로서 서구와 일본의 세력 앞에서 쓰러져가던 시대를 살아왔다. 그의 나이 48세에 기독교로 입교하고, 56세에 강원도 홍천 모곡으로 낙향한 뒤 학교와 예배당을 지어 교육과 복음전파 그리고 독립운동에 남은 생을 바쳤다. ‘신앙으로 나라를 구하고 교육으로 나라를 세운다(信仰救國 敎育立國)’라고 외치며 그가 있는 곳에 강렬한 생명력을 잇는 무궁화를 심어 민족의식을 고취시켰다.

엮은이_키아츠(KIATS), 김재현
서울대 및 동 대학원, 총신신학대학원, 하버드와 프린스턴신학대학(철학박사)에서 중세수도원과 영성에 대해 연구하였다. 호남신학대학교와 두레장학재단, 한중장학재단, 분당중앙교회 인재양성원에서 가르치고 섬기며 차세대 기독교 인물 양성에 듯을 세우고 땀을 흘렸다. 현재 한국기독교를 세계에 알리기 위한 작업의 일환으로 한국기독교 유산을 집대성 하여 한글, 영어, 중국어로 편찬하고 있다. (제46회 한국출판문화상 번역부분 수상)
『한반도에 새겨진 십자가의 길-한국교회 위대한 믿음의 사람들 50인』,『한반도에 심겨진 복음의 씨앗-한국에 생명을 전한 위대한 선교사 50인』을 엮었다.

키아츠(KIATS, 한국고등신학연구원)는 ‘한국기독교 유산의 집대성과 세계화를 이끌어가는 신앙과 학문공동체’라는 비전으로 2004년 4월에 설립된 단체로 ‘사람, 인프라, 네트워크’를 강조한다.
우리의 모든 신앙과 연구, 활동의 최종 목적은 예수님이 걸어가신 삶을 본받는 것, 이 땅에 가장 낮은 자의 삶의 현장에서 그들을 섬기는 것이라는 핵심가치를 가지고 있다.
한국기독교의 새로운 지평을 열고, 세계기독교라는 거시적 맥락 속에서 한국인이 주체적이고 능동적인 신학을 할 수 있는 토대를 만들기 위해 매진하고 있다.


Hanseo Namgung Eok,Saving His Country Through His Faith/ Hyun Jae-Ho

PartI Anecdotes
YouScoundrel, Are You the One Who Gave Me My Government Position?
Do You Fools Not Even Recognize Your Own Country?
The Harmonica-Playing White-Haired Boy
Only if You Walk the Right Path
Just Arrest Me and Be Done with It!
When Sad, to the Mugunghwa Nursery
Even Dogs Would Laugh
Pulling up Mugunghwa until Fingertips Split and Blistered
A Ten-jeon Skimmer Hat
Thirteen Years of Practice
Let us Become Independence Troops
Bury Me under a Fruit Tree to Become Compost

PartII Vision Carried in Songs
A Poem of Mount Seorak (Song of Independence)
Butterfly Out of Season
This Peninsula of Rivers and Mountains
A Song of Joseon Geography
The Goose Song
The Sunday (Mogok) School Song
Ode to the Mugunghwa
Victory Song (Mugunghwa Garden)
A Song of Joseon
Workers of Joseon
Flower of Joseon
A Song of Warriors
Our Paradise
A Song of Action
The Baehwa Women’s Academy Song

PartIIINamgung Eok, the Journalist
The Synergy of Ideology and Ability
Social Harmony
First Issue Commemoration Addresses
(1) Commemoration address for the publication
of the first issue of The Daehan Association Newsletter
(2)Commemoration address for the publication
of the first issue of The Giho Nationalist Society Monthly Newsletter
(3)Commemoration address for the publication
of the first issue of The Janghak Monthly Newsletter
(4) Commemoration address for the publication
of the first issue of The Hwangseong Newspaper

PartⅣNamgung Eok, the Educator
? Women, the Korean Language, and History
Domestic Education
The Education Monthly
Joseon Grammar
Joseon Story and The Modern History of Joseon

partⅤPolice Interrogation
Namgung Eok and Mogok School
Namgung Eok and Singing Education
Namgung Eok and the Mugunghwa
History Education
Independence of Joseon



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