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Weniv World (Student’s Edition) - Game-based Python Learning Platform 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍

Weniv World (Student’s Edition) - Game-based Python Learning Platform

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Weniv World (Student’s Edition) - Game-based Python Learning Platform 표지 이미지

Weniv World (Student’s Edition) - Game-based Python Learning Platform작품 소개

<Weniv World (Student’s Edition) - Game-based Python Learning Platform> Weniv World is an educational software designed to make Python programming more accessible. Users can learn Python and develop computational thinking skills by solving missions that involve controlling the protagonist, Licat, with simple commands.

For students, the installation process and login can be obstacles. To facilitate learning without such difficulties, the platform provides a web service that can be accessed from anywhere without the need for a separate login.

You can download both student and teacher manuals in PDF format from the website below. We hope you enjoy an exciting Python learning experience with Weniv World.

저자 소개

This is Weniv Inc.

We specialize in creating ICT educational content and conducting online and offline software (SW) courses. Our online courses operate under the name 'Jeju Coding Basecamp', derived from our company's location in Jeju, South Korea.

Weniv Inc. aims to be a stepping stone, helping individuals navigate the ICT career paths, professions, further education, and employment. We are committed to addressing challenges faced by regional communities and young individuals, ensuring that everyone has access to ICT education without discrimination based on location or resources. Through service development, ICT education, and community activities, we collaborate with local communities and youth to overcome these challenges.

With experience in various programs, including ‘Jeju Coding Basecamp,’ corporate training for new hires, tertiary education, and K-12 education, we strive to make a positive impact in the field of ICT.



About Us
About Platform

Weniv World Adventure
Cat’s Resolution
Advent of Licat
Licat Heading to Skull Island
Amazing Taste!
Employee Promotion
Is This a Bank or a Fish Market?
Free Food Truck
Warehouse Integration
Let’s Automate!
Let’s Clean up and Organize!

Command Dictionary
Bibliographic Data


구매자 별점


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내가 남긴 별점 0.0


그저 그래요




별점 취소

구매자 표시 기준은 무엇인가요?

'구매자' 표시는 리디에서 유료도서 결제 후 다운로드 하시거나 리디셀렉트 도서를 다운로드하신 경우에만 표시됩니다.

무료 도서 (프로모션 등으로 무료로 전환된 도서 포함)
'구매자'로 표시되지 않습니다.
시리즈 도서 내 무료 도서
'구매자’로 표시되지 않습니다. 하지만 같은 시리즈의 유료 도서를 결제한 뒤 리뷰를 수정하거나 재등록하면 '구매자'로 표시됩니다.
영구 삭제
도서를 영구 삭제해도 ‘구매자’ 표시는 남아있습니다.
결제 취소
‘구매자’ 표시가 자동으로 사라집니다.

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