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Angular 2 Cookbook 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT 컴퓨터/앱 활용

Angular 2 Cookbook

Discover over 70 recipes that provide the solutions you need to know to face every challenge in Angular 2 head on
소장전자책 정가26,000
Angular 2 Cookbook 표지 이미지

Angular 2 Cookbook작품 소개

<Angular 2 Cookbook> ▶About This Book
From the author of the bestselling AngularJS Web Application Development Cookbook, Angular 2 Cookbook is the newest edition of Packt's Angular cookbook series.

▶Book Features
⦁ 70+ extensive examples: Each recipe provides you with strategies to face every challenge in Angular 2 head on
⦁ All code from the latest version: Covers no legacy material from the outdated Angular release candidates; all code up-to-date with the latest release of Angular 4.0
⦁ Webpack application organization: Includes instructions on how to build applications with Webpack, SystemJS, and Angular CLI
⦁ Companion website links: Each recipe provides a unique URL on the book's companion website; the page includes links to a working example on Plunker, the recipe's source code on GitHub, and various related resources. The companion website has no login, and is free to use.
⦁ Immediately experiment with working code: Almost every recipe in the book has a link on the companion site to a working Plunker. Visit the link and start experimenting with Angular 2 right away - no setup or installation required.
⦁ Step-by-step examples: All the code in the book is explicitly written out, and every piece of code shown is a step towards building a simple working example. Syntax, design decisions, and refactoring are all fully explained in each recipe.

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for developers who are competent with JavaScript and are looking to dive headfirst into the TypeScript edition of Angular 2. This book is also geared towards developers with experience in Angular 1 who are looking to make the transition.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Understand how to best move an Angular 1 application to Angular 2
⦁ Build a solid foundational understanding of the core elements of Angular 2 such as components, forms, and services
⦁ Gain an ability to wield complex topics such as Observables and Promises
⦁ Properly implement applications utilizing advanced topics such as dependency injection
⦁ Know how to maximize the performance of Angular 2 applications
⦁ Understand the best ways to take an Angular 2 application from TypeScript in a code editor to a fully function application served on your site
⦁ Get to know the best practices when organizing and testing a large Angular 2 application

▶In Detail
Angular 2 introduces an entirely new way to build applications. It wholly embraces all the newest concepts that are built into the next generation of browsers, and it cuts away all the fat and bloat from Angular 1. This book plunges directly into the heart of all the most important Angular 2 concepts for you to conquer. In addition to covering all the Angular 2 fundamentals, such as components, forms, and services, it demonstrates how the framework embraces a range of new web technologies such as ES6 and TypeScript syntax, Promises, Observables, and Web Workers, among many others.

This book covers all the most complicated Angular concepts and at the same time introduces the best practices with which to wield these powerful tools. It also covers in detail all the concepts you'll need to get you building applications faster. Oft-neglected topics such as testing and performance optimization are widely covered as well. A developer that reads through all the content in this book will have a broad and deep understanding of all the major topics in the Angular 2 universe

▶Major Topics Covered In Depth:
⦁ Upgrading from Angular 1 to Angular 2
⦁ Components
⦁ Directives
⦁ Template-Driven Forms
⦁ Reactive Forms
⦁ Promises
⦁ RxJS Observables
⦁ Angular 2 Component Router
⦁ Services
⦁ Dependency Injection
⦁ Angular 2 Modules with NgModule
⦁ TypeScript Setup and Compilation
⦁ SystemJS Application Setup
⦁ Webpack Application Setup
⦁ Angular CLI Application Setup
⦁ Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine
⦁ End-to-End Testing with Protractor
⦁ NgZone
⦁ Angular 2 Renderer
⦁ Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation
⦁ Lazy Loaded Applications

출판사 서평

▶Customer Review
The author has a great grasp on the nitty gritty of making complex apps ...
: This is a well written recipe book for intermediate and advanced users of Angular 2. It assumes knowledge of javascript and core Angular concepts. I found the topics to be wide ranging, and each recipe is usually 1-5 pages long. The author has a great grasp on the nitty gritty of making complex apps using Angular. I also have a copy of the AngularJS Web Application Development Cookbook by the same author on my bookshelf and like before the author has done a great job with this book.

Writing in the book is intelligent, and the order is well structured. There's nothing unexpected here - it's a book full of practical solutions to hundreds of everyday problems. I think certain sections could do a little better with more of a meta-view of the concepts and ideas new in Angular 2 but overall the author has done an incredible job.

The first chapter, "Strategies for upgrading to Angular 2" is meant to be a guided transition to angular 2, but it likely won't suffice if you're new to angular, and certainly won't prepare you if you're relatively unfamiliar with javascript in general. This book is primarily intended for the everyday Angular developer who wants dive in and start using the new version in projects.

If you are familiar with Angular 2 basics, a cover-to-cover reading of this book will take you to the next level, but most developers will only read the entries that pertain to the problems they face during development.
What I really like about this book is how the author dives in each of the example, elaborating each example code and makes it easy to understand what's going on (book comes with the source code which you can download). If practice makes you stronger, this book should be in your shelf or digital reader.
-Diwank Singh

▶Editorial Review
⦁ "This is one of the best AngularJS books for diving headfirst into Angular 2 in 2017."
- ReactDOM.com

⦁ "The second edition of the Angular 2 Cookbook by Matt Frisbie is a top-class book to buy if you are looking to learn the Angular framework. ...Overall if you could only buy one book on Angular then this should be it. I thoroughly enjoyed working through the book and I'd definitely recommend it to others."
- Elliot Forbes, TutorialEdge.net

⦁ "Rated as 4.5 on Amazon, Angular 2 Cookbook is one of the best books around. Random Easter eggs make the book even interesting to read."
- TechPikk

⦁ "...I would recommend Frisbie's Angular 2 Cookbook. I found Chapters 6 (routing), 8 (organizing and managing applications), and 10 (performance) particularly helpful, but have lots of sticky notes marking other places as well... Angular is complicated because the problems it solves are complicated. Its internal documentation is much better than it used to be, but there will always be a place for good tutorials and reference works. With Hussain and Frisbie's books, Angular has at least one of each."
- Greg Wilson, Rangle.io

⦁ "Angular 2 Cookbook is the best guide for developers who're competent with JavaScript and looking to dive headfirst into the TypeScript edition of Angular 2. "
- Online Books Review

저자 소개

▶About the Author-Matt Frisbie
Matt Frisbie is a software engineer at Google, and author of the Packt Publishing bestseller AngularJS Web Application Development Cookbook. He also recorded two video series for O'Reilly Media, Introduction to Modern Client-Side Programming; and Learning AngularJS. He speaks about Angular at frontend developer meetups, and has also done Angular webcasts for O'Reilly.

Before this, Matt was the first engineer at DoorDash (YC S13) and a number of other startups. He is a 2012 graduate of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in computer engineering. He lives in the San Francisco bay area.




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