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[체험판] Learning PySpark 상세페이지

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[체험판] Learning PySpark작품 소개

<[체험판] Learning PySpark> ▶Book Description
Apache Spark is an open source framework for efficient cluster computing with a strong interface for data parallelism and fault tolerance. This book will show you how to leverage the power of Python and put it to use in the Spark ecosystem. You will start by getting a firm understanding of the Spark 2.0 architecture and how to set up a Python environment for Spark.
You will get familiar with the modules available in PySpark. You will learn how to abstract data with RDDs and DataFrames and understand the streaming capabilities of PySpark. Also, you will get a thorough overview of machine learning capabilities of PySpark using ML and MLlib, graph processing using GraphFrames, and polyglot persistence using Blaze. Finally, you will learn how to deploy your applications to the cloud using the spark-submit command.
By the end of this book, you will have established a firm understanding of the Spark Python API and how it can be used to build data-intensive applications.

▶About This Book
⦁ Learn why and how you can efficiently use Python to process data and build machine learning models in Apache Spark 2.0
⦁ Develop and deploy efficient, scalable real-time Spark solutions
⦁ Take your understanding of using Spark with Python to the next level with this jump start guide

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for everyone who wants to learn the fastest-growing technology in big data: Apache Spark. We hope that even the more advanced practitioners from the field of data science can find some of the examples refreshing and the more advanced topics interesting.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Learn about Apache Spark and the Spark 2.0 architecture
⦁ Build and interact with Spark DataFrames using Spark SQL
⦁ Learn how to solve graph and deep learning problems using GraphFrames and TensorFrames respectively
⦁ Read, transform, and understand data and use it to train machine learning models
⦁ Build machine learning models with MLlib and ML
⦁ Learn how to submit your applications programmatically using spark-submit
⦁ Deploy locally built applications to a cluster

▶Style and approach
This book takes a very comprehensive, step-by-step approach so you understand how the Spark ecosystem can be used with Python to develop efficient, scalable solutions. Every chapter is standalone and written in a very easy-to-understand manner, with a focus on both the hows and the whys of each concept.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Understanding Spark, provides an introduction into the Spark world with an overview of the technology and the jobs organization concepts.
⦁ Chapter 2, Resilient Distributed Datasets, covers RDDs, the fundamental, schema-less data structure available in PySpark.
⦁ Chapter 3, DataFrames, provides a detailed overview of a data structure that bridges the gap between Scala and Python in terms of efficiency.
⦁ Chapter 4, Prepare Data for Modeling, guides the reader through the process of cleaning up and transforming data in the Spark environment.
⦁ Chapter 5, Introducing MLlib, introduces the machine learning library that works on RDDs and reviews the most useful machine learning models.
⦁ Chapter 6, Introducing the ML Package, covers the current mainstream machine learning library and provides an overview of all the models currently available.
⦁ Chapter 7, GraphFrames, will guide you through the new structure that makes solving problems with graphs easy.
⦁ Chapter 8, TensorFrames, introduces the bridge between Spark and the Deep Learning world of TensorFlow.
⦁ Chapter 9, Polyglot Persistence with Blaze, describes how Blaze can be paired with Spark for even easier abstraction of data from various sources.
⦁ Chapter 10, Structured Streaming, provides an overview of streaming tools available in PySpark.
⦁ Chapter 11, Packaging Spark Applications, will guide you through the steps of modularizing your code and submitting it for execution to Spark through command-line interface.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
It is estimated that in 2013 the whole world produced around 4.4 zettabytes of data; that is, 4.4 billion terabytes! By 2020, we (as the human race) are expected to produce ten times that. With data getting larger literally by the second, and given the growing appetite for making sense out of it, in 2004 Google employees Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat published the seminal paper MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. Since then, technologies leveraging the concept started growing very quickly with Apache Hadoop initially being the most popular. It ultimately created a Hadoop ecosystem that included abstraction layers such as Pig, Hive, and Mahout – all leveraging this simple concept of map and reduce.
However, even though capable of chewing through petabytes of data daily, MapReduce is a fairly restricted programming framework. Also, most of the tasks require reading and writing to disk. Seeing these drawbacks, in 2009 Matei Zaharia started working on Spark as part of his PhD. Spark was first released in 2012.
Even though Spark is based on the same MapReduce concept, its advanced ways of dealing with data and organizing tasks make it 100x faster than Hadoop(for in-memory computations).
In this book, we will guide you through the latest incarnation of Apache Spark using Python. We will show you how to read structured and unstructured data, how to use some fundamental data types available in PySpark, build machine learning models, operate on graphs, read streaming data, and deploy your models in the cloud. Each chapter will tackle different problem, and by the end of the book we hope you will be knowledgeable enough to solve other problems we did not have space to cover here.

저자 소개

⦁Tomasz Drabas
Tomasz Drabas is a Data Scientist working for Microsoft and currently residing in the Seattle area. He has over 13 years of experience in data analytics and data science in numerous fields: advanced technology, airlines, telecommunications, finance, and consulting he gained while working on three continents: Europe, Australia, and North America. While in Australia, Tomasz has been working on his PhD in Operations Research with a focus on choice modeling and revenue management applications in the airline industry. At Microsoft, Tomasz works with big data on a daily basis, solving machine learning problems such as anomaly detection, churn prediction, and pattern recognition using Spark. Tomasz has also authored the Practical Data Analysis Cookbook published by Packt Publishing in 2016.

⦁Denny Lee
Denny Lee is a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft for the Azure DocumentDB team—Microsoft's blazing fast, planet-scale managed document store service. He is a hands-on distributed systems and data science engineer with more than 18 years of experience developing Internet-scale infrastructure, data platforms, and predictive analytics systems for both on-premise and cloud environments.
He has extensive experience of building greenfield teams as well as turnaround/ change catalyst. Prior to joining the Azure DocumentDB team, Denny worked as a Technology Evangelist at Databricks; he has been working with Apache Spark since 0.5. He was also the Senior Director of Data Sciences Engineering at Concur, and was on the incubation team that built Microsoft's Hadoop on Windows and Azure service (currently known as HDInsight). Denny also has a Masters in Biomedical Informatics from Oregon Health and Sciences University and has architected and implemented powerful data solutions for enterprise healthcare customers for the last 15 years.




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