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Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming

In-depth guide for writing robust and maintainable JavaScript code in ES8 and beyond
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Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming작품 소개

<Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming> ▶Book Description
Functional programming is a programming paradigm for developing software using functions. Learning to use functional programming is a good way to write more concise code, with greater concurrency and performance. The JavaScript language is particularly suited to functional programming.

This book provides comprehensive coverage of the major topics in functional programming with JavaScript to produce shorter, clearer, and testable programs.

You'll delve into functional programming; including writing and testing pure functions, reducing side-effects, and other features to make your applications functional in nature.

Specifically, we'll explore techniques to simplify coding, apply recursion for loopless coding, learn ways to achieve immutability, implement design patterns, and work with data types.

By the end of this book, you'll have developed the JavaScript skills you need to program functional applications with confidence.

▶What You Will Learn
- Create more reliable code with closures and immutable data
- Convert existing methods into pure functions, and loops into recursive methods
- Develop more powerful applications with currying and function composition
- Separate the logic of your system from implementation details
- Implement composition and chaining techniques to simplify coding
- Use functional programming techniques where it makes the most sense

▶Key Features
- Become proficient and skilled with Functional Programming in JavaScript to solve real-world development problems
- Successfully apply Functional Programming concepts and techniques to everyday JavaScript programming
- Bring modularity, reusability, testability, and performance to your web apps

▶Who This Book Is For
If you are a JavaScript developer and want to apply functional programming techniques, then this book is for you. Only a basic knowledge of the concepts of functional programming is required for this book.

▶Style and approach
This book takes an easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial approach. You will make the most of JavaScript programming with a focus on the progression of functional programming techniques, styles, and detailed information about JavaScript libraries.

▶What this book covers
In this book, we'll cover Functional Programming (FP) in a practical way, though at times we will mention some theoretical points:

- Chapter 1, Becoming Functional - Several Questions, discusses FP, gives reasons for its usage, and lists the tools that you'll need to take advantage of the rest of the book.
- Chapter 2, Thinking Functionally - A First Example, will provide the first example of FP by considering a common web-related problem and going over several solutions, to finally center on a functional way.
- Chapter 3, Starting Out with Functions - A Core Concept, will go over the central concept of FP: functions, and the different options available in JavaScript.
- Chapter 4, Behaving Properly - Pure Functions, will consider the concept of purity and pure functions, and show how it leads to simpler coding and easier testing.
- Chapter 5, Programming Declaratively - A Better Style, will use simple data structures to show how to produce results working not in an imperative way, but in a declarative fashion.
- Chapter 6, Producing Functions - Higher-Order Functions, will deal with higher-order functions, which receive other functions as parameters and produce new functions as results.
- Chapter 7, Transforming Functions - Currying and Partial Application, will show some methods for producing new and specialized functions from earlier ones.
- Chapter 8, Connecting Functions - Pipelining and Composition, will show the key concepts regarding how to build new functions by joining previously defined ones.
- Chapter 9, Designing Functions - Recursion, will show how a key concept in FP, recursion, can be applied to designing algorithms and functions.
- Chapter 10, Ensuring Purity - Immutability, will show some tools that can help you work in a pure fashion by providing immutable objects and data structures.
- Chapter 11, Implementing Design Patterns - The Functional Way, will show how several popular OOP design patterns are implemented (or not needed!) when you program in FP ways.
- Chapter 12, Building Better Containers - Functional Data Types, will show some more highlevel functional patterns, introducing types, containers, functors, monads, and several other more advanced FP concepts.

I tried to keep examples simple and down-to-earth, because I wanted to focus on functional aspects and not on the intricacies of this or that problem. Some programming texts are geared toward learning, say, a given framework, and then work on a given problem, seeing how to fully work it out with the chosen tools. (Also, in fact, at the very beginning of planning for this book, I entertained the idea of developing an application that would use all the FP things I had in mind, but there was no way to fit all of that within a single project. Exaggerating a bit, I felt like an MD trying to find a patient on whom to apply all of his medical knowledge and treatments!) So, I opted to show plenty of individual techniques, which can be used in multiple situations. Rather than building a house, I want to show you how to put bricks together, how to wire things up, and so on, so that you will be able to apply whatever you need, as it may fit.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
In computer programming, paradigms abound: Some examples are imperative
programming, structured (go to less) programming, object-oriented programming, aspectoriented programming, and declarative programming. Lately, there has been renewed interest in a particular paradigm that can arguably be considered to be older than most (if not all) of the cited ones--functional programming. Functional Programming (FP) emphasizes writing functions, and connecting them in simple ways to produce more understandable and more easily tested code. Thus, given the increased complexity of today's web applications, it's logical that a safer, cleaner way of programming would be of interest.

This interest in FP comes hand-in-hand with the evolution of JavaScript. Despite its somewhat hasty creation (reportedly managed in only 10 days, in 1995, by Brendan Eich at Netscape), today it's a standardized and quickly growing language, with features more advanced than most other similarly popular languages. The ubiquity of the language, which can now be found in browsers, servers, mobile phones, and whatnot, has also impelled interest in better development strategies. Also, even if JavaScript wasn't conceived as a functional language by itself, the fact is that it provides all the features you'd require to work in that fashion, which is another plus.

It must also be said that FP hasn't been generally applied in industry, possibly because it has a certain aura of difficulty, and is thought to be theoretical rather than practical, even mathematical, and possibly uses vocabulary and concepts that are foreign to developers--Functors? Monads? Folding? Category theory? While learning all this theory will certainly be of help, it can also be argued that even with zero knowledge of the previous terms, you can understand the tenets of FP, and see how to apply it in your programming.

FP is not something you have to do on your own, without any help. There are many libraries and frameworks that incorporate, in greater or lesser degrees, the concepts of FP. Starting with jQuery (which does include some FP concepts), passing through Underscore and its close relative LoDash, or other libraries such as Ramda, and getting to more complete web development tools such as React and Redux, Angular, or Elm (a 100% functional language, which compiles into JavaScript), the list of functional aids for your coding is ever growing.

Learning how to use FP can be a worthwhile investment, and even though you may not get to use all of its methods and techniques, just starting to apply some of them will pay dividends in better code. You need not try to apply all of FP from the start, and you need not try to abandon every non-functional feature in the language either. JavaScript assuredly has some bad features, but it also has several very good and powerful ones. The idea is not to throw everything you learned and use and adopt a 100% functional way; rather, the guiding idea is evolution, not revolution. In that sense, it can be said that what we'll be doing is not FP, but rather Sorta Functional Programming (SFP), aiming for a fusion of paradigms.

A final comment about the style of the code in this book--it is quite true that there are several very good libraries that provide you with functional programming tools: Underscore, LoDash, Ramda, and more are counted among them. However, I preferred to eschew their usage, because I wanted to show how things really work. It's easy to apply a given function from some package or other, but by coding everything out (a vanilla FP, if you wish), it's my belief that you get to understand things more deeply. Also, as I will comment in some places, because of the power and clarity of arrow functions and other features, the pure JS versions can be even simpler to understand!

저자 소개

- Federico Kereki
Federico Kereki is a Uruguayan Systems Engineer, with a Masters Degree in Education, and more than thirty years' experience as a consultant, system developer, university professor, and writer.

He is currently a Subject Matter Expert at Globant, where he gets to use a good mixture of development frameworks, programming tools, and operating systems, such as JavaScript, Node.JS, React and Redux, SOA, Containers, and PHP, with both Windows and Linux.

He has taught several computer science courses at Universidad de la República, Universidad ORT Uruguay, and Universidad de la Empresa, he has also written texts for these courses.

He has written several articles-on JavaScript, web development, and open source topics-for magazines such as Linux Journal and LinuxPro Magazine in the United States, Linux+ and Mundo Linux in Europe, and for web sites such as Linux and IBM Developer Works. He also wrote booklets on computer security ("Linux in the Time of Malware" and "SSH: A Modern Lock for your Server") and a book ("Essential GWT: Building for the Web with Google Web Toolkit") on GWT programming.

Kereki has given talks on Functional Programming with JavaScript in public conferences (such as JSCONF 2016) and has used these techniques to develop Internet systems for businesses in Uruguay and abroad.

His current interests tend toward software quality and software engineering- with Agile Methodologies topmost-while on the practical side he works with diverse languages, tools, and frameworks, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) wherever possible!

He usually resides, works, and teaches in Uruguay, but he is currently on a project in India, and he wrote this book in that country.




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