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[체험판] C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Blueprints 상세페이지

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[체험판] C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Blueprints작품 소개

<[체험판] C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Blueprints> ▶Book Description
.NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platform, and open source implementation of .NET. With the latest release of .NET Core, many more APIs are expected to show up, which will make APIs consistent across .Net Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin. This step-by-step guide will teach you the essential .NET Core and C# concepts with the help of real-world projects.

The book starts with a brief introduction to the latest features of C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 before moving on to explain how C# 7 can be implemented using the object-oriented paradigm. You'll learn to work with relational data using Entity Framework and see how to use ASP.NET Core practically. This book will show you how .NET Core allows the creations of cross-platform applications.

You'll also learn about SignalR to add real-time functionality to your application. Then you will see how to use MongoDB and how to implement MongoDB into your applications. You'll learn about serverless computing and OAuth concepts, along with running ASP.NET Core applications with Docker Compose.

This project-based guide uses practical applications to demonstrate these concepts. By the end of the book, you'll be proficient in developing applications using .NET Core 2.0.

▶What You Will Learn
- How to incorporate Entity Framework Core to build ASP .NET Core MVC applications
- Get hands-on experience with SignalR, and NuGet packages
- Working with MongoDB in your ASP.NET Core MVC application
- Get hands-on experience with .NET Core MVC, Middleware, Controllers, Views, Layouts, Routing, and OAuth
- Implementing Azure Functions and learn what Serverless computing means
- See how .NET Core enables cross-platform applications that run on Windows, macOS and Linux
- Running a .NET Core MVC application with Docker Compose

▶Key Features
- Easy-to-follow real-world projects that get you up and running with the new features of C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0
- The practical applications will assist you with concepts such as Entity Framework Core, serverless computing, and more in .NET Core 2.0
- Explore OAuth concepts and build ASP.NET Core applications using MongoDB

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for .NET developers who would like to master and implement C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 with practical projects. Basic knowledge of .NET Core and C# is assumed.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, eBook Manager and Catalogue App, covers the new features introduced in C# 7, which allow developers to write less code and be more productive. We will create an eBook manager application. If you are like me, you have eBooks scattered all over your hard drive and some external drives as well. This application will provide a mechanism to bring all these various locations together into a virtual storage space. The application is functional, but it can be further enhanced to suit your needs.
- Chapter 2, Cricket Score Calculator and Tracker, says that object-oriented programming (OOP) is a crucial element of writing .NET applications. Proper OOP ensures that developers can easily share code between projects. You don't have to rewrite code that has already been written. In this chapter, we will create an ASP.NET Bootstrap web application that keeps track of the cricket score of your two favorite teams. It is also with this application that the principles of object-oriented programming will become evident.
- Chapter 3, Cross Platform .NET Core System Info Manager, is all about what .NET Core is; .NET Core allows us to create applications that will run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To illustrate this in this chapter, we will be creating a simple Information Dashboard application that displays information about the computer we are running on as well as the weather conditions at the location of that machine.
- Chapter 4, Task Bug Logging ASP .NET Core MVC App, takes a look at using MongoDB with ASP.NET Core MVC by creating a task/bug logging application. MongoDB allows developers to be more productive and can easily be added to .NET Core.
- Chapter 5, ASP.NET SignalR Chat Application, begins by getting you to imagine having the ability to have your server-side code push data to your web page in real time, without the user needing to refresh the page. The ASP.NET SignalR library provides developers with a simplified method to add real-time web functionality to applications. FYI, keep this chapter in mind when going through Chapter 8, Twitter Clone Using OAuth. This is a perfect application to integrate SignalR into.
- Chapter 6, Web Research Tool with Entity Framework Core, discusses Entity Framework Core, which is an essential piece in our .NET Core education. One of the most frustrating parts of developing an application that needs to read data from and write data to some sort of database is trying to get the communication layer between your code and the database established. Entity Framework Core solves this easily in .NET Core applications, and this chapter shows you how.
- Chapter 7, A Serverless Email Validation Azure Function, shows you how to create an Azure Function and how to call that function from an ASP.NET Core MVC application. The Azure Function will just be validating an email address. Serverless computing is illustrated here, and the benefits will become clear while working through the chapter.
- Chapter 8, Twitter Clone Using OAuth, expresses that sometimes I wish I could tweak Twitter a bit to suit my own needs, for example, saving favorite tweets. In this chapter, we will take a look at how easy it is to create a basic Twitter clone using ASP.NET Core MVC. You can then easily add functionality to your application to customize it to your specific requirements.
- Chapter 9, Using Docker and ASP.NET Core, explores Docker, which is all the rage these days, and for very good reason. This chapter illustrates how Docker can benefit developers. I will also show you how to create an ASP.NET Core MVC application and run it inside a Docker Container. In the last part of the chapter, we will see how we can use Docker Hub with GitHub to set up automated builds.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
Welcome to C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Blueprints. The power of .NET Core 2.0 is illustrated by taking a blueprint approach to common everyday applications. You will learn how to work with .NET Core 2.0 while creating exciting applications that you can use.

저자 소개

- Dirk Strauss
Dirk Strauss is a full stack developer with Embrace. He enjoys learning and sharing what he learns with others. Dirk has published books on C# for Packt as well as ebooks for Syncfusion. In his spare time, he relaxes by playing guitar and trying to learn Jimi Hendrix licks. You can find him at @DirkStrauss on Twitter.

Jas Rademeyer has been a part of the IT industry for over 15 years, focusing on the software side of things for most of his career. With a degree in information science, specializing in multimedia, he has been involved in all facets of development, ranging from architecture and solution design to user experience and training.

He is currently plying his trade as a technical solutions manager, where he manages development teams on various projects in the Microsoft space.

A family man and a musician at heart, he spends his free time with his wife and two kids and serves in the worship band at church.

- Jas Rademeyer
Jas Rademeyer has been a part of the IT industry for over 15 years, focusing on the software side of things for most of his career. With a degree in information science, specializing in multimedia, he has been involved in all facets of development, ranging from architecture and solution design to user experience and training.

He is currently plying his trade as a technical solutions manager, where he manages development teams on various projects in the Microsoft space.

A family man and a musician at heart, he spends his free time with his wife and two kids and serves in the worship band at church.




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