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[체험판] Odoo 11 Development Cookbook Second Edition 상세페이지

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[체험판] Odoo 11 Development Cookbook Second Edition작품 소개

<[체험판] Odoo 11 Development Cookbook Second Edition> ▶Book Description
Odoo is a full-featured open source ERP with a focus on extensibility. The flexibility and sustainability of open source are also a key selling point of Odoo. It is built on a powerful framework for rapid application development, both for back-end applications and front-end websites. Version 11 offers better usability and speed: a new design (as compared to the current Odoo Enterprise version) and a mobile interface.

The book starts by covering Odoo installation and administration and Odoo Server deployment. It then delves into the implementation of Odoo modules, the different inheritance models available in Odoo. You will then learn how to define access rules for your data; how to make your application available in different languages; how to expose your data models to end users on the back end and on the front end; and how to create beautiful PDF versions of your data.

By the end of the book, you will have a thorough knowledge of Odoo and will be able to build effective applications by applying Odoo development best practices

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Install and manage Odoo environments and instances
⦁ Use models to define your application's data structures
⦁ Add business logic to your applications
⦁ Add automated tests and learn how to debug Odoo apps
⦁ Learn about the access security model and internationalization features
⦁ Customize websites built with Odoo, by writing your own templates and providing new snippets for use in the website builder
⦁ Extend the web client with new widgets and make RPC calls to the server

▶Key Features
⦁ Get the most up-to-date guide on Odoo 11 to create custom and reusable modules
⦁ Interconnect your application with other systems by implementing web APIs
⦁ Understand the mechanisms powering the Odoo framework to build robust enterprises

▶Who This Book Is For
If you're a Python developer and want to develop highly efficient business applications with the latest Odoo framework (or if you just want a hands on problem solution book for all your Odoo Development related issues), this book is for you! Some experience with the JavaScript programming language and web development is required to get the most out of this book.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment, begins with how to create a development environment for Odoo, start Odoo, create a configuration file, and activate the developer tools of Odoo.
⦁ Chapter 2, Managing Odoo Server Instances, is about addon installation and upgrading. It provides useful tips for working with addons installed from GitHub and organizing the source code of your instance.
⦁ Chapter 3, Server Deployment, provides advice on how to install and configure Odoo for production, including setting up a reverse proxy to encrypt network communications over HTTPS and ensuring that Odoo starts when the server boots.
⦁ Chapter 4, Creating Odoo addon Modules, explains the structure of an Odoo addon module and provides a step-by-step guide for creating a simple module from scratch.
⦁ Chapter 5, Application Models, focuses on Odoo model descriptions, and explains the various field types and the different inheritance models available in Odoo.
⦁ Chapter 6, Basic Server-Side Development, introduces the API of Odoo, presents the commonly used methods of the Model class, and explains how to write business logic methods. More advanced topics are covered in Chapter 9, Advanced Server-Side Development.
⦁ Chapter 7, Module Data, shows how to ship data along with the code of your module. It also explains how to write a migration script when a data model provided by an addon is modified in a new release.
⦁ Chapter 8, Debugging and Automated Testing, proposes some strategies for server-side debugging and provides an introduction to the Python debugger. It also explains how to write and run automated tests using YAML or Python for your addon modules. Client-side testing is covered in Chapter 15, Web Client Development.
⦁ Chapter 9, Advanced Server-Side Development Techniques, outlines more advanced topics useful when writing business methods, such as writing wizards to walk the user through a process, writing onchange methods, manipulating the execution context or bypassing the ORM to use raw SQL.
⦁ Chapter 10, Backend Views, teaches you how to write business views for your data models and how to call server-side methods from these views. It covers the usual views (list view, form view, and search view) as well as the views introduced in recent versions of Odoo (kanban, graph, calendar, pivot, and so on).
⦁ Chapter 11, Access Security, discusses how to control who has access to what in your Odoo instance by creating security groups, writing access control lists to define what operations are available to each group on a given model, and if necessary by writing record-level rules.
⦁ Chapter 12, Internationalization, takes you through the translation of the user interfaces of your addons and provides useful tricks about using GNU Gettext command line tools to manipulate translation files.
⦁ Chapter 13, Automation, Workflows, Emails, and Printouts, illustrates the different tools available in Odoo to implement business processes for your records. It also shows how server actions and automated rules can be used to support business rules, and how to generate emails and PDF documents with Odoo.
⦁ Chapter 14, Web Server Development, deals with the core of the web server in Odoo. It explains how to map URLs to methods and how to control who can access these URLs.
⦁ Chapter 15, Web Client Development, dives into the JavaScript part of Odoo and explains how you can provide new widgets and make RPC calls to the server. It also gives tips about debugging and testing this part of your code.
⦁ Chapter 16, CMS Website Development, shows how to customize websites built with Odoo, by writing your own templates and providing new snippets for use in the website builder.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
Odoo, formerly known as OpenERP, is a great platform for developers. The framework, at its core, is very rich and allows building client-server applications from scratch, as well as adapting existing applications to your needs through a clever extension mechanism and a very modular design. The latest versions have brought a wealth of new possibilities with the addition of a full-featured website development stack. The scope is huge, and it is easy for newcomers to feel lost.

For years, Odoo developers have been learning their craft by reading the code of addon modules, which are built on top of the framework to provide enterprise management features.

While effective, this process is long and error-prone, since it is difficult to know whether the source code you are learning from uses the latest possibilities offered by the framework, or if you are looking at an older module that has not been updated to use these features. To make things worse, some code flows are intrinsically hard to follow because they're partly in the business logic layer, partly in the database layer, partly in the request handling layer, and partly in the client-side code.

This book is meant to save you time by tapping into the years of experience accumulated by long-time Odoo contributors to learn the current best practices in Odoo development by focusing on the new features of version 11, and also giving a solid base in the existing mature functionality of the framework. Since Odoo has a long tradition of guaranteeing backward compatibility, most of the presented material should still work with upcoming versions.

저자 소개

⦁ Alexandre Fayolle
Alexandre Fayolle started working with Linux and free software in the mid 1990s and quickly became interested in the Python programming language. In 2012, he joined Camptocamp to share his expertise on Python, PostgreSQL, and Linux with the team implementing Odoo. He currently manages projects for Camptocamp and is strongly involved in the Odoo Community Association. In his spare time, he likes to play jazz on the vibraphone.

⦁ Holger Brunn
Holger Brunn has been a fervent open source advocate since he came into contact with the open source market sometime in the nineties.

He has programmed for ERP and similar systems in different positions since 2001. For the last 10 years, he has dedicated his time to TinyERP, which became OpenERP and evolved into Odoo. Currently, he works at Therp BV in the Netherlands as a developer and is an active member of the Odoo Community Association (OCA).




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