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The Modern C++ Challenge 상세페이지

The Modern C++ Challenge작품 소개

<The Modern C++ Challenge> ▶Book Description
C++ is one of the most widely-used programming languages and has applications in a variety of fields, such as gaming, GUI programming, and operating systems, to name a few. Through the years, C++ has evolved into (and remains) one of the top choices for software developers worldwide. This book will show you some notable C++ features and how to implement them to meet your application needs. Each problem is unique and doesn't just test your knowledge of the language; it tests your ability to think out of the box and come up with the best solutions. With varying levels of difficulty, you'll be faced with a wide variety of challenges. And in case you're stumped, you don't have to worry: we've got the best solutions to the problems in the book. So are you up for the challenge?

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Serialize and deserialize JSON and XML data
⦁ Perform encryption and signing to facilitate secure communication between parties
⦁ Embed and use SQLite databases in your applications
⦁ Use threads and asynchronous functions to implement generic purpose parallel algorithms
⦁ Compress and decompress files to/from a ZIP archive
⦁ Implement data structures such as circular buffer and priority queue
⦁ Implement general purpose algorithms as well as algorithms that solve specific problems
⦁ Create client-server applications that communicate over TCP/IP
⦁ Consume HTTP REST services
⦁ Use design patterns to solve real-world problems

▶Key Features
⦁ Solve a variety of real-world programming and logic problems by leveraging the power of C++17
⦁ Test your skills in using language features, algorithms, data structures, design patterns, and more
⦁ Explore areas such as cryptography, communication, and image handling in C++

▶Who This Book Is For
This book will appeal to C++ developers of all levels. There's a challenge inside for everyone.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Math Problems, contains a series of math exercises to warm you up for the more challenging problems in the next chapters.

⦁ Chapter 2, Language Features, proposes problems for you to practice operator overloading, move semantics, user-defined literals, and template metaprogramming aspects such as variadic functions, fold expressions, and type traits.

⦁ Chapter 3, Strings and Regular Expressions, has several problems for string manipulation, such as converting between strings and other data types, splitting and joining strings, and also for working with regular expressions.

⦁ Chapter 4, Streams and Filesystems, covers output stream manipulation and working with files and directories using the C++17 filesystem library.

⦁ Chapter 5, Date and Time, prepares you for the upcoming C++20 extensions to the chrono library, with several calendar and time zone problems that you can solve with the date library, on which the new standard additions are based.

⦁ Chapter 6, Algorithms and Data Structures, is one of the largest chapters and contains a variety of problems where you need to utilize the existing standard algorithms; others are where you need to implement your own general-purpose algorithms or data structures, such as circular buffer and priority queue. The chapter ends with two rather fun problems, Dawkins' Weasel program and Conway's Game of Life program, where you can learn about evolutionary algorithms and cellular automata.

⦁ Chapter 7, Concurrency, is where we use threads and asynchronous functions to implement general-purpose parallel algorithms, but also solve some real-word problems involving concurrency.

⦁ Chapter 8, Design Patterns, proposes a series of problems suited to be solved with design patterns such as decorator, composite, chain of responsibility, template method, and others.

⦁ Chapter 9, Data Serialization, covers most common formats of serialized data, JSON, and XML, with several problems; but it also challenges you to create PDF files, all with the use of third-party, open-source, and cross-platform libraries.

⦁ Chapter 10, Archives, Images, and Databases, teaches you to solve problems for working with zip archives, creating PNG files for real-world problems, such as Captcha-like systems and barcodes, and embedding and utilizing SQLite databases in your applications.

⦁ Chapter 11, Cryptography, mostly covers the user of the Crypto++ library for data encryption and signing. It also challenges you to implement your own Base64 encoding and decoding utilities.

⦁ Chapter 12, Networking and Services, is where you have to implement your own clientserver application communicating on TCP/IP, and also consume various REST services such as bitcoin exchange rates or text translation APIs.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
C++ is a general-purpose programming language that combines different paradigms such as object-oriented, imperative, generic, and functional programming. C++ is designed for efficiency and is the primary choice in applications where performance is key. Over the last few decades, C++ has been one of the most widely used programming languages in industry, academia, and elsewhere. The language is standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is currently working on the next version of the standard, called C++20, due to be completed in 2020.

With the standard covering almost 1500 pages, C++ is not the simplest language to learn and master. Skills are not acquired only by reading about them or watching others exercising them, but by practicing them again and again. Programming is no different; we developers do not learn new languages or technologies just by reading books, articles, or watching video tutorials. Instead, we need practice to sediment and develop the new things we learn so that we can eventually master them. Many a times, however, finding good exercises to put our knowledge to test is a difficult task. Although there are many websites that feature problems for different programming languages, most of these are mathematical problems, algorithms, or problems for student competitions. These kinds of problems do not help you exercise a large variety of a programming language functionalities. That is where this book steps in.

This book is a collection of 100 real-world problems designed for you to practice a large variety of the C++ language and standard library features as well as many third-party, cross-platform libraries. Yet, a few of these problems are C++ specific and, in general, can be solved in many programming languages. Of course, the intention is to help you master C++ and therefore you are expected to solve them in C++. All the solutions provided in the book are in C++. However, you can use the book as a reference for its collection of proposed problems when you learn other programming languages, although in this case, you will not benefit from the solutions.

The problems in this book are grouped into 12 chapters. Each chapter contains problems on similar or related topics. The problems have different levels of difficulty; some of them are easy, some are moderate, and some are difficult. The book has a relatively equal number of problems for each difficulty level. Each chapter starts with the description of the proposed problems. The solutions to these problems ensue with recommendations, explanations, and source code. Although you can find the solutions in the book, it is recommended that you try to implement them by yourself first, and only afterward—.or if you have difficulties completing them—.look at the proposed solutions. There is only one thing that is missing in the source code presented in the book—.the headers you have to include. This was left out on purpose so that you figure those out by yourself. On the other hand, the source code provided with the book is complete, and you can find all the required headers there.

At the time of writing this book, the C++20 version of the standard is in progress and will continue for the next couple of years. However, some features have already been voted in, and one of these features is the extension to the chrono library with calendars and time zones. There are several problems in the fifth chapter on this topic, and although no compiler supports these yet, you can solve them using the date library, based on which the new standard additions have been designed. Many other libraries are used for solving problems in the book. The list includes Asio, Crypto++, Curl, NLohmann/json, PDF-Writer, PNGWriter, pugixml, SQLite, and ZipLib. Also, as an alternative to the std::optional and the filesystem libraries used throughout the book, you can use Boost with compilers where these are not available. All these libraries are open source and cross-platform. They were chosen for reasons that include performance, good documentation, and wide use within the community. However, you are free to use any other libraries you would like to solve the problems.

저자 소개

⦁ Marius Bancila
Marius Bancila is a software engineer with 15 years of experience in developing solutions for the industrial and financial sectors. He is the author of Modern C++ Programming Cookbook. He focuses on Microsoft technologies and mainly develops desktop applications with C++ and C#.

He is passionate about sharing his technical expertise with others, and for that reason, he was recognized as a Microsoft MVP for more than a decade. He can be contacted on Twitter at @mariusbancila.




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