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Hands-On Design Patterns with C# and .NET Core 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Hands-On Design Patterns with C# and .NET Core

Write clean and maintainable code by using reusable solutions to common software design problems
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Hands-On Design Patterns with C# and .NET Core작품 소개

<Hands-On Design Patterns with C# and .NET Core> ▶Book Description
Design patterns are essentially reusable solutions to common programming problems. When used correctly, they meet crucial software requirements with ease and reduce costs. This book will uncover effective ways to use design patterns and demonstrate their implementation with executable code specific to both C# and .NET Core.

Hands-On Design Patterns with C# and .NET Core begins with an overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) and SOLID principles. It provides an in-depth explanation of the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns such as creational, structural, and behavioral. The book then takes you through functional, reactive, and concurrent patterns, helping you write better code with streams, threads, and coroutines. Toward the end of the book, you'll learn about the latest trends in architecture, exploring design patterns for microservices, serverless, and cloud native applications. You'll even understand the considerations that need to be taken into account when choosing between different architectures such as microservices and MVC.

By the end of the book, you will be able to write efficient and clear code and be comfortable working on scalable and maintainable projects of any size.

▶What You Will Learn
- Make your code more flexible by applying SOLID principles
- Follow the Test-driven development (TDD) approach in your .NET Core projects
- Get to grips with efficient database migration, data persistence, and testing techniques
- Convert a console application to a web application using the right MVP
- Write asynchronous, multithreaded, and parallel code
- Implement MVVM and work with RxJS and AngularJS to deal with changes in databases
- Explore the features of microservices, serverless programming, and cloud computing

▶Key Features
- Enhance your programming skills by implementing efficient design patterns for C# and .NET
- Explore design patterns for functional and reactive programming to build robust and scalable applications
- Discover how to work effectively with microservice and serverless architectures

▶Who This Book Is For
The target audience is modern application developers working in a collaborative environment. Intentionally, this represents a great number of backgrounds and industries as the patterns can be applied to a wide range of solutions. As this book dives into the code to explain the patterns covered, readers should have a background in software development—this book should not be viewed as a how to program book but more of a how to program better book. Because of this, the target audience will range from junior developers to senior developers, to software architects and designers. For some readers, the content will be new; for others, it will be a refresher.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Overview of OOP in .NET Core and C#, contains an overview of Object-oriented programming (OOP) and how it applies to C#. This chapter serves as a refresher of the important constructs and features of OOP and C#, including inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

- Chapter 2, Modern Software Design Patterns and Principles, catalogs and introduces different patterns used in modern software development. This chapter investigates a number of patterns and catalogs, such as SOLID, Gang of Four, and enterprise integration patterns, as well as a discussion of the software development lifecycle and other practices for software development.

- Chapter 3, Implementing Design Patterns - Basics Part 1, deep dives into design patterns used to build applications in C#. Using the development of an example application, test-driven development, minimum viable product, and other patterns from the Gang of Four will be illustrated.

- Chapter 4, Implementing Design Patterns - Basics Part 2, continues the deep dive into design patterns used to build applications in C#. The concepts of Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control will be introduced as well, continuing to explore design patterns including the Singleton and Factory patterns.

- Chapter 5, Implementing Design Patterns - .NET Core, builds upon chapters 3 and 4 by exploring patterns provided by the .NET Core. Several patterns, including Dependency Injection and the Factory pattern, will be revisited using the .NET Core framework.

- Chapter 6, Implementing Design Patterns for Web Applications - Part 1, continues to explore .NET Core by looking at the features supported in web application development by continuing to build the sample application. This chapter offers guidance on creating an initial web application, discusses the important characteristics of a web application, and introduces how to create CRUD website pages.

- Chapter 7, Implementing Design Patterns for Web Applications - Part 2, continues the exploration of web application development using .NET Core by looking at different architectural patterns, as well as solution security patterns. Authentication and authorization are covered as well. Unit tests are added including using the Moq mocking framework.

- Chapter 8, Concurrent Programming in .NET Core, dives deeper into web application development to discuss concurrency in C# and .NET Core application development. The Async/await pattern is explored, as well as a section about multithreading and concurrency. Parallel LINQ is also covered, including delayed execution and thread priorities.

- Chapter 9, Functional Programming Practices, explores functional programming in .NET Core. This includes illustrating the C# language features that support functional programming and applying them to the sample application, including applying the strategy pattern.

- Chapter 10, Reactive Programming Patterns and Techniques, continues to build upon .NET Core web application development by exploring reactive programming patterns and techniques used to build responsive and scalable websites. In this chapter, the principles of reactive programming are explored, including the Reactive and IObservable patterns. Different frameworks are also discussed, including the popular .NET Rx Extensions, as well as an illustration of the Model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) pattern.

- Chapter 11, Advanced Database Design and Application Techniques, explores patterns used in database design, including a discussion of databases. A practical example of applying the Command Query Responsibility Segregation pattern is shown, including using a ledgerstyle database design.

- Chapter 12, Coding for the Cloud, looks at application development as it applies to cloudbased solutions, including the five key concerns of scalability, availability, security, application design, and DevOps. Significant patterns used in cloud-based solutions are explained, including different types of scaling, and patterns used in event-driven architecture, federated security, cache, and telemetry.

- Appendix A, Miscellaneous Best Practices, wraps up the discussion of patterns by covering additional patterns and best practices. This includes a section about use case modeling, best practices, and additional patterns such as space-based architecture and containerized applications.

출판사 서평

▶ Editorial Reviews
When designing good software, engineers naturally gravitate toward solutions that avoid duplication. We are naturally DRY-Don't Repeat Yourself-often without thinking about it! Developers naturally compartmentalize functionality, create reusable methods, and make helpful classes.

However, many software design patterns have been created over the years. These are useful, general, and reusable solutions to problems you'll see every day. There are more and more developers who are self-taught or who didn't go through a classical software engineer or computer science course at university, and everyone should enjoy the benefits of decades of development of these great design patterns.

Gaurav and Jeffrey have assembled the best and most common patterns and applied them to the open source world of .NET Core and C#. You'll start with OOP, classes, and objects and move your way on to inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. They've covered design principles such as DRY, KISS, and SOLID (these will all make sense very soon!) and applied them to classic patterns that will help you make clear, crisp, and rock-solid (pun intended!) software.

This book is filled with real code that clearly illustrates how to apply all this knowledge to your .NET Core and C# software today. You'll learn how to adopt the Builder pattern, Decorator pattern, Factory pattern, Visitor pattern, and Strategy pattern, and so much more.

These techniques will then be applied to a simple app, then to a web application, and then to more complex problems involving concurrency and parallelism! You'll then apply patterns at a more macro level using solution patterns that will help you move your projects to the cloud in a scalable and maintainable way.

I hope you appreciate this book as much as I did. And I hope you enjoy working with .NET Core and have as much fun as we did making it!

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Gaurav Aroraa
Gaurav Aroraa has an MPhil in computer science. He is an MVP, a life-time member of the Computer Society of India (CSI), an advisory member of IndiaMentor, certified as a scrum trainer/coach, XEN for Information Technology Infrastructure Library-Foundation (ITIL-F) and APMG for Projects In Controlled Environments-F (PRINCE-F) and Projects In Controlled Environments-P (PRINCE-P). Gaurav is an open source developer, and the founder of Ovatic Systems. Recently, Gaurav was awarded Icon of the year – excellence in Mentoring Technology Startups for 2018-19 by Radio City – A Jagran Initiative for his extraordinary work during his 20-year career in the industry in the field of technology mentoring. You can tweet Gaurav on his Twitter handle, g_arora.

- Jeffrey Chilberto
Jeffrey is a software consultant specializing in the Microsoft technical stack including Azure, BizTalk, ASP.Net, MVC, WCF and SQL Server with experience in a wide range of industries including banking, telecommunications and health care in the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.


1 Overview of OOP in .NET Core and C#
2 Modern Software Design Patterns and Principles
3 Implementing Design Patterns - Basics Part 1
4 Implementing Design Patterns - Basics Part 2
5 Implementing Design Patterns - .NET Core
6 Implementing Design Patterns for Web Applications - Part 1
7 Implementing Design Patterns for Web Applications - Part 2
8 Concurrent Programming in .NET Core
9 Functional Programming Practices
10 Reactive Programming Patterns and Techniques
11 Advanced Database Design and Application Techniques
12 Coding for the Cloud


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