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Serverless Architectures with Kubernetes 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Serverless Architectures with Kubernetes

Create production-ready Kubernetes clusters and run serverless applications on them
소장전자책 정가23,000
Serverless Architectures with Kubernetes 표지 이미지

Serverless Architectures with Kubernetes작품 소개

<Serverless Architectures with Kubernetes> ▶What You Will Learn
- Deploy a Kubernetes cluster locally with Minikube
- Get familiar with AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions
- Create, build, and deploy a webpage generated by the serverless functions in the cloud
- Create a Kubernetes cluster running on the virtual kubelet hardware abstraction
- Create, test, troubleshoot, and delete an OpenFaaS function
- Create a sample Slackbot with Apache OpenWhisk actions

▶Key Features
- Get hands-on experience with frameworks, such as Kubeless, Apache OpenWhisk, and Funktion
- Master the basics of Kubernetes and prepare yourself for challenging technical assessments
- Learn how to launch Kubernetes both locally and in a public cloud

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for software developers and DevOps engineers who have basic or intermediate knowledge about Kubernetes and want to learn how to create serverless applications that run on Kubernetes. Those who want to design and create serverless applications running on the cloud, or on-premise Kubernetes clusters will also find this book useful.

This book is for software developers and DevOps engineers who have basic or intermediate knowledge about Kubernetes and want to learn how to create serverless applications that run on Kubernetes. Those who want to design and create serverless applications running on the cloud, or on-premise Kubernetes clusters, will also find this book useful.

This book provides examples of engaging projects that have a direct correlation to how serverless developers work in the real world with Kubernetes clusters. You'll build example applications and tackle programming challenges that'll prepare you for large, complex engineering problems. Each component is designed to engage and stimulate you so that you can retain and apply what you learn in a practical context with the maximum impact. By completing the book, you'll walk away feeling capable of tackling real-world serverless Kubernetes applications development.

출판사 서평

▶ About the Book
Kubernetes has established itself as the standard platform for container management, orchestration, and deployment. By learning Kubernetes, you'll be able to design your own serverless architecture by implementing the function-as-a-service (FaaS) model.

After an accelerated, hands-on overview of the serverless architecture and various Kubernetes concepts, you'll cover a wide range of real-world development challenges faced by real-world developers, and explore various techniques to overcome them. You'll learn how to create production-ready Kubernetes clusters and run serverless applications on them. You'll see how Kubernetes platforms and serverless frameworks such as Kubeless, Apache OpenWhisk and OpenFaaS provide the tooling to help you develop serverless applications on Kubernetes. You'll also learn ways to select the appropriate framework for your upcoming project.

By the end of this book, you'll have the skills and confidence to design your own serverless applications using the power and flexibility of Kubernetes.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Onur Yilmaz
Onur Yilmaz is a senior software engineer in a multinational enterprise software company. He is a certified Kubernetes administrator (CKA) and works on Kubernetes and cloud management systems. He is a keen supporter of cutting-edge technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud-native applications. He has one master's and two bachelor's degrees in the engineering field.

- Sathsara Sarathchandra
Sathsara Sarathchandra is a DevOps engineer, experienced in building and managing Kubernetes based production deployments both in cloud and on-premise. He has over 8 years of experience working in several companies ranging from small start-ups to enterprises. He is a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and a certified Kubernetes application developer (CKAD). He holds a master's degree in business administration and a bachelor's degree in computer science.


1. Introduction to Serverless
2. Introduction to Serverless in the Cloud
3. Introduction to Serverless Frameworks
4. Kubernetes Deep Dive
5. Production-Ready Kubernetes Clusters
6. Upcoming Serverless Features in Kubernetes
7. Kubernetes Serverless with Kubeless
8. Introduction to Apache OpenWhisk
9. Going Serverless with OpenFaaS


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