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Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain

A guide to converging blockchain and AI to build smart applications for new economies
소장전자책 정가24,000
Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain 표지 이미지

Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain작품 소개

<Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain> ▶Book Description
AI and blockchain are two emerging technologies catalyzing the pace of enterprise innovation. With this book, you'll understand both technologies and converge them to solve real-world challenges.

This AI blockchain book is divided into three sections. The first section covers the fundamentals of blockchain, AI, and affiliated technologies, where you'll learn to differentiate between the various implementations of blockchains and AI with the help of examples. The second section takes you through domain-specific applications of AI and blockchain. You'll understand the basics of decentralized databases and file systems and connect the dots between AI and blockchain before exploring products and solutions that use them together. You'll then discover applications of AI techniques in crypto trading. In the third section, you'll be introduced to the DIApp design pattern and compare it with the DApp design pattern. The book also highlights unique aspects of SDLC (software development lifecycle) when building a DIApp, shows you how to implement a sample contact tracing application, and delves into the future of AI with blockchain.

By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to converge AI and blockchain technologies to build smart solutions using the DIApp design pattern.

▶What You Will Learn
- Get well-versed in blockchain basics and AI methodologies
- Understand the significance of data collection and cleaning in AI modeling
- Discover the application of analytics in cryptocurrency trading
- Get to grips with open, permissioned, and private blockchains
- Explore the DIApp design pattern and its merit in digital solutions
- Find out how LSTM and ARIMA can be applied in crypto trading
- Use the DIApp design pattern to build a sample contact tracing application
- Get started with building your own DIApps across various domains

▶Key Features
- Understand the fundamental concepts for converging artificial intelligence and blockchain
- Apply your learnings to build apps using machine learning with Ethereum, IPFS, and MoiBit
- Get well-versed with the AI-blockchain ecosystem to develop your own DIApps

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for blockchain and AI architects, developers, data scientists, data engineers, and evangelists who want to harness the power of artificial intelligence in blockchain applications. If you are looking for a blend of theoretical and practical use cases to understand how to implement smart cognitive insights into blockchain solutions, this book is what you need! Knowledge of machine learning and blockchain concepts is required.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Getting Started with Blockchain, helps you understand the basics of blockchain and the contrasts between various forms and implementations. If you are already comfortable with the basics of blockchain and its applications, you may skip this chapter and start with Chapter 2, Introduction to the AI Landscape.

- Chapter 2, Introduction to the AI Landscape, as the name suggests, introduces you to the basics of AI and its history, and draws contrasts between some of its basic forms and implementations. If you are already comfortable with the basics of AI and its applications, you can directly head to Chapter 4, AI- and Blockchain-Driven Databases.

- Chapter 3, Domain-Specific Applications of AI and Blockchain, covers some of the well-known applications of blockchain and AI.

- Chapter 4, AI- and Blockchain-Driven Databases, is crucial for learning how to connect blockchain with AI. We will be introducing and contrasting traditional data management tools and decentralized databases, as well as filesystems.

- Chapter 5, Empowering Blockchain Using AI, covers some of the exclusive applications that use both AI and blockchain to address some real-world challenges.

- Chapter 6, Cryptocurrency and Artificial Intelligence, examines some of the applications of AI in cryptocurrency trading.

- Chapter 7, Development Life Cycle of a DIApp, introduces you to the DIApp design pattern and outlines the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) processes involved.

- Chapter 8, Implementing DIApps, demonstrates how to build a live application that utilizes blockchain, AI, and decentralized databases to solve a real-world challenge.

- Chapter 9, The Future of AI with Blockchain, ends the book by suggesting new use cases to analyze and ways to apply the learnings from the book to build your own DIApp.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Over the past 10 years, blockchain and its affiliated technologies have been used to add transparency and dis-intermediate unnecessary parties involved in critical processes. Along similar lines, AI has been adopted to optimize processes and predict outcomes in an accurate and cheap way. Together, AI and blockchain are catalyzing the pace of enterprise innovation. The convergence of these two technologies is expected to revolutionize some aspects of the digital landscape as we know it today. This book is a guide to help you understand the basic concepts of blockchain and AI, analyze their use cases, and implement these technologies across various industries such as healthcare, finance, trade, and supply chain management. The book also guides you to build applications using Ethereum, machine learning, and MóiBit.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Ganesh Prasad Kumble
Ganesh Prasad Kumble is an expert in emerging technologies and business strategy. He has co-founded, bootstrapped, and mentored several start-ups and initiatives across SaaS, e-commerce, IoT, Blockchain, and AI. He is a contributor to several open source projects, including Ethereum and IPFS. He authored TEXA in 2017 - an ethical AI initiative based on the Turing test that is used to safely assess multi-context robots and AI models in a quantifiable manner.

He is currently leading platform innovation efforts at Aicumen Technologies, Inc. and KIP Foundation, building a general-purpose business protocol featuring identity management, third-party services, distributed compute, and immutable storage. Ganesh is also a moderator at the Ethereum Research forum.


▷ Section 1: Overview of Blockchain Technology
1. etting Started with Blockchain
2. Introduction to the AI Landscape
▷ Section 2: Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
3. Domain-Specific Applications of AI and Blockchain
4. AI- and Blockchain-Driven Databases
5. Empowering Blockchain Using AI
6. Cryptocurrency and Artificial Intelligence
▷ Section 3: Developing Blockchain Products
7. Development Life Cycle of a DIApp
8. Implementing DIApps
9. The Future of AI with Blockchain
Appendix A. Moving Forward - Resources for you


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