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ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 Third Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 Third Edition

Full stack web development with .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9
소장전자책 정가21,000
ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 Third Edition 표지 이미지

ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 Third Edition작품 소개

<ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 Third Edition> Build a simple, yet fully-functional modern web application using .NET Core 3.1, Entity Framework Core and Angular 9

▶Book Description
Learning full stack development calls for knowledge of both frontend and backend web development. By covering the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9, right from project setup through to the deployment phase, this book will help you to develop your skills effectively.

The book will get you started with using the .NET Core framework and Web API Controllers to implement API calls and server-side routing in the backend. Next, you will learn to build a data model with Entity Framework Core and configure it using either a local SQL Server instance or cloud-based data stores such as Microsoft Azure. The book will also help you handle user input with Angular reactive forms and frontend and backend validators for maximum effect. You will later explore the advanced debugging and unit testing features provided by xUnit.net (.NET Core) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. Finally, you will implement various authentication and authorization techniques with the ASP.NET Core Identity system and the new IdentityServer, as well as deploy your apps on Windows and Linux servers using IIS, Kestrel, and Nginx.

By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to create efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Implement a Web API interface with ASP.NET Core and consume it with Angular using RxJS Observables
⦁ Create a data model using Entity Framework Core with code-first approach and migrations support
⦁ Set up and configure a SQL database server using a local instance or a cloud data store on Azure
⦁ Perform C# and JavaScript debugging using Visual Studio 2019
⦁ Create TDD and BDD unit test using xUnit, Jasmine, and Karma
⦁ Implement authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Identity, IdentityServer4, and Angular API
⦁ Build Progressive Web Apps and explore Service Workers

▶Key Features
⦁ Explore the latest edition of the bestselling book ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5
⦁ Design, build and deploy a Single Page Application or Progressive Web App with ASP.NET Core and Angular
⦁ Adopt a full stack approach to handle data management, Web APIs, application design, testing, SEO, security and deployment

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for experienced ASP.NET developers who already know about ASP.NET Core and Angular and are looking to learn more about them and understand how to use them together to create production-ready Single Page Applications (SPAs) or Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). However, the fully-documented code samples (also available on GitHub) and the step-by-step implementation tutorials make this book easy-to-understand - even for beginners and developers who are just getting started.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Getting Ready, introduces some of the basic concepts of the frameworks that we are going to use throughout the book, as well as the various kinds of web applications that can be created (SPAs, PWAs, native web apps, and more).

⦁ Chapter 2, Looking Around, is a detailed overview of the various back-end and frontend elements provided by the .NET Core and Angular template shipped with Visual Studio 2019, backed up with some high-level explanations about how they can work together in a typical HTTP request-response cycle.

⦁ Chapter 3, Front-end and Back-end Interactions, provides a comprehensive tutorial for building a sample ASP.NET Core and Angular app that provides diagnostic info to the end user by querying health check middleware using a Bootstrap-based Angular client.

⦁ Chapter 4, Data Model with Entity Framework Core, constitutes a journey through Entity Framework Core and its capabilities as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, from SQL database deployment (cloud-based and/or local instance) to data model design, including various techniques to read and write data from backend controllers.

⦁ Chapter 5, Fetching and Displaying Data, covers how to expose Entity Framework Core data using the ASP.NET Core back-end web API, consume that data with Angular, and then show it to end users using the front-end UI.

⦁ Chapter 6, Forms and Data Validation, details how to implement the HTTP PUT and POST methods in back-end web APIs in order to perform insert and update operations with Angular, along with server-side and client-side data validation.

⦁ Chapter 7, Code Tweaks and Data Services, explores some useful refactoring and improvements to strengthen your app's source code and includes an in-depth analysis of Angular's data services to understand why and how to use them.

⦁ Chapter 8, Back-end and Front-end Debugging looks at how to properly debug the back-end and front-end stacks of a typical web application using the various debugging tools provided by Visual Studio to their full extent.

⦁ Chapter 9, ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing, comprises a detailed review of the Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) development practices and goes into how to define, implement, and perform backend and front-end unit tests using xUnit, Jasmine, and Karma.

⦁ Chapter 10, Authentication and Authorization, gives you a high-level introduction to the concepts of authentication and authorization and presents a narrow lineup of some of the various techniques, methodologies, and approaches to properly implementing proprietary or third-party user identity systems. A practical example of a working ASP.NET Core and Angular authentication mechanism based upon ASP.NET Identity and IdentityServer4 is included.

⦁ Chapter 11, Progressive Web Apps, delves into how to convert an existing SPA into a PWA using service workers, manifest files, and offline caching features.

⦁ Chapter 12, Windows and Linux Deployment, teaches you how to deploy the ASP.NET and Angular apps created in the previous chapters and publish them in a cloud-based environment using either a Windows Server 2019 or Linux CentOS virtual machine.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
ASP.NET Core is a free and open source modular web framework developed by Microsoft that runs on top of the full .NET Framework (Windows) or .NET Core (cross-platform). It has been made specifically for building efficient HTTP services that can be reached and consumed by a massive range of clients, including web browsers, mobile devices, smart TVs, web-based home automation tools, and more.

Angular is the successor of AngularJS, a world-renowned development framework born with the aim of providing the coder with the toolbox that is needed to build reactive and cross-platform web-based apps that are optimized for desktop and mobile. It features a structure-rich template approach based upon a natural, easy-towrite, and readable syntax.

Technically, these two frameworks have little or nothing in common: ASP.NET Core is mostly focused on the server-side part of the web development stack, while Angular is dedicated to covering all the client-side aspects of web applications, such as the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). However, both of them came into being because of a common vision shared by their respective creators: the HTTP protocol is not limited to serving web pages; it can also be used as a viable platform upon which to build web-based APIs to effectively send and receive data. This is the notion that slowly made its way through the first 20 years of the World Wide Web's life and is now an undeniable, widely acknowledged statement and also a fundamental pillar of almost every modern web development approach.

As for the reasons behind this perspective switch, there are plenty of good ones, the most important of them being related to the intrinsic characteristics of the HTTP protocol: it's rather simple to use, and flexible enough to match most of the development needs of the ever-changing environment that the World Wide Web happens to be in. This is not to mention how universal it has become nowadays: almost any platform that we can think of has an HTTP library, so HTTP services can reach a broad range of clients, including desktop and mobile browsers, IoT devices, desktop applications, video games, and so on.

The main purpose of this book is to bring together the latest versions of ASP.NET Core and Angular within a single development stack to demonstrate how they can be used to create high-performance web applications and services that can be used seamlessly by any clients.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Valerio De Sanctis
Valerio De Sanctis is a skilled IT professional with 20 years of experience in lead programming, web-based development, and project management using ASP.NET, PHP, Java, and JavaScript-based frameworks. He held senior positions at a range of financial and insurance companies, most recently serving as Chief Technology and Security Officer at a leading IT service provider for top-tier insurance groups. He's an active member of the Stack Exchange Network, providing advice and tips on the StackOverflow, ServerFault, and SuperUser communities; he's also a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Developer Technologies. He's the founder and owner of Ryadel and author of many best-selling books on back-end and front-end web development.


1. Getting Ready
2. Looking Around
3. Front-end and Back-end Interactions
4. Data Model with Entity Framework Core
5. Fetching and Displaying Data
6. Forms and Data Validation
7. Code Tweaks and Data Services
8. Back-end and Front-end Debugging
9. ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing
10. Authentication and Authorization
11. Progressive Web Apps
12. Windows and Linux Deployment


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