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Terraform Cookbook 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Terraform Cookbook

Efficiently define, launch, and manage Infrastructure as Code across various cloud platforms
소장전자책 정가23,000
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Terraform Cookbook작품 소개

<Terraform Cookbook> Discover how to manage and scale your infrastructure using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform

▶Book Description
HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) has changed how we define and provision a data center infrastructure with the launch of Terraform—one of the most popular and powerful products for building Infrastructure as Code. This practical guide will show you how to leverage HashiCorp's Terraform tool to manage a complex infrastructure with ease.

Starting with recipes for setting up the environment, this book will gradually guide you in configuring, provisioning, collaborating, and building a multi-environment architecture. Unlike other books, you'll also be able to explore recipes with real-world examples to provision your Azure infrastructure with Terraform. Once you've covered topics such as Azure Template, Azure CLI, Terraform configuration, and Terragrunt, you'll delve into manual and automated testing with Terraform configurations. The next set of chapters will show you how to manage a balanced and efficient infrastructure and create reusable infrastructure with Terraform modules. Finally, you'll explore the latest DevOps trends such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) and zero-downtime deployments.

By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to get the most value out of Terraform and manage your infrastructure effectively.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁Understand how to install Terraform for local development
⦁Get to grips with writing Terraform configuration for infrastructure provisioning
⦁Use Terraform for advanced infrastructure use cases
⦁Understand how to write and use Terraform modules
⦁Discover how to use Terraform for Azure infrastructure provisioning
⦁Become well-versed in testing Terraform configuration
⦁Execute Terraform configuration in CI/CD pipelines
⦁Explore how to use Terraform Cloud

▶Key Features
⦁Get up and running with the latest version of Terraform, v0.13
⦁Design and manage infrastructure that can be shared, tested, modified, provisioned, and deployed
⦁Work through practical recipes to achieve zero-downtime deployment and scale your infrastructure effectively

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for developers, operators, and DevOps engineers looking to improve their workflow and use Infrastructure as Code. Experience with Microsoft Azure, Jenkins, shell scripting, and DevOps practices is required to get the most out of this Terraform book.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Setting Up the Terraform Environment, details the different ways of installing Terraform manually, with scripts, or by using a Docker container, and it also details the Terraform migration configuration process.

⦁ Chapter 2, Writing Terraform Configuration, concerns the writing of Terraform configurations for a provider, variables, outputs, external data, built-in functions, condition expressions, file manipulation, and the execution of local programs with Terraform.

⦁ Chapter 3, Building Dynamic Environments with Terraform, discusses building dynamic environments with Terraform by going further with Terraform configuration writing using loops, maps, and collections.

⦁ Chapter 4, Using the Terraform CLI, explains the use of Terraform's CLI to clean code, destroy resources provisioned by Terraform, use workspaces, import existing resources, generate dependency graphs, and debug the execution of Terraform.

⦁ Chapter 5, Sharing Terraform Configuration with Modules, covers the creation, use, and sharing of Terraform modules. It also shows testing module practices and the implementation of CI/CD pipelines for Terraform modules.

⦁ Chapter 6, Provisioning Azure Infrastructure with Terraform, illustrates the use of Terraform in a practical scenario of the cloud provider Azure. It covers topics such as authentication, remote backends, ARM templates, Azure CLI execution, and Terraform configuration generation for an existing infrastructure.

⦁ Chapter 7, Deep Diving into Terraform, discusses topics that go further with Terraform, such as the execution of Terraform configuration tests, zero-downtime deployment, Terraform wrappers with Terragrunt, and the implementation of CI/CD pipelines to execute Terraform configurations.

⦁ Chapter 8, Using Terraform Cloud to Improve Collaboration, explains the use of Terraform Cloud to run Terraform in a team with the sharing of Terraform modules in a private registry, the use of remote backends for Terraform state, running Terraform remotely, and writing compliance tests with Sentinel.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Infrastructure as Code, more commonly known as IaC, is a practice that is a pillar of DevOps culture. IaC entails writing your desired architecture configuration in code. Among other advantages, IaC allows the automation of infrastructure deployments, which reduces or eliminates the need for manual intervention, and thus the risk of configuration errors, and the need to create templates and standardize infrastructure with modular and scalable code.

Among all the DevOps tools, there are many that allow IaC. One of them is Terraform, from HashiCorp, which is very popular today because, in addition to being open source and multi-platform, it has the following advantages:

⦁It allows you to preview the changes that will be applied to your infrastructure.
⦁It allows the parallelization of operations, taking into account the management of dependencies.
⦁It has a multitude of providers.

In this book dedicated to Terraform, we will first discuss the installation of Terraform for local development, the writing of Terraform configurations, and the construction of several environments in a dynamic way.

Then, we will learn how to use the Terraform command-line interface (CLI) and how to share and use Terraform modules.

Once configuration writing and commands in Terraform are understood, we will discuss Terraform's practical use for building infrastructure in one of the leading cloud providers, Azure.

Finally, we will finish this book by looking at advanced uses of Terraform, including Terraform testing, integrating Terraform into a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, and using Terraform Cloud, which is Terraform's collaboration platform for teams and companies.

This book will guide you through several recipes on best practices for writing Terraform configurations and commands, and it will also cover recipes on Terraform's integration with other tools, such as Terragrunt, kitchen-terraform, and Azure Pipelines.

Most of the Terraform configurations described in this book are based on the Azure provider for illustration, but you can apply these recipes for all other Terraform providers.

In writing this book, which is in a cookbook format, I wanted to share my experience of real and practical Terraform-based scenarios that I have been able to acquire by working with customers and companies for several years.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Mikael Krief
Mikael Krief lives in France and works as a DevOps engineer. He came to believe that Infrastructure as Code is a fundamental practice in DevOps culture. He is therefore interested in HashiCorp products and specializes in the use of Terraform in several company contexts. He loves to share his passion through various communities, such as the HashiCorp User Groups. In 2019, he wrote the book Learning DevOps (Packt Publishing), and he also contributes to many public projects, writes blogs and other books, and speaks at conferences. For all his contributions and passion, he was nominated and selected as a HashiCorp Ambassador, and he has been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for 5 years.


⦁ Chapter 1: Setting Up the Terraform Environment
⦁ Chapter 2: Writing Terraform Configuration
⦁ Chapter 3: Building Dynamic Environments with Terraform
⦁ Chapter 4: Using the Terraform CLI
⦁ Chapter 5: Sharing Terraform Configuration with Modules
⦁ Chapter 6: Provisioning Azure Infrastructure with Terraform
⦁ Chapter 7: Deep Diving into Terraform
⦁ Chapter 8: Using Terraform Cloud to Improve Collaboration


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