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Node Cookbook Fourth Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Node Cookbook Fourth Edition

Discover solutions, techniques, and best practices for server-side web development with Node.js 14
소장전자책 정가23,000
Node Cookbook Fourth Edition 표지 이미지

Node Cookbook Fourth Edition작품 소개

<Node Cookbook Fourth Edition> Discover practical recipes to get to grips with Node.js concepts and programming models for delivering a scalable server-side for your applications

▶Book Description
A key technology for building web applications and tooling, Node.js brings JavaScript to the server enabling full-stack development in a common language. This fourth edition of the Node Cookbook is updated with the latest Node.js features and the evolution of the Node.js framework ecosystems.

This practical guide will help you to get started with creating, debugging, and deploying your Node.js applications and cover solutions to common problems, along with tips to avoid pitfalls. You'll become familiar with the Node.js development model by learning how to handle files and build simple web applications and then explore established and emerging Node.js web frameworks such as Express.js and Fastify. As you advance, you'll discover techniques for detecting problems in your applications, handling security concerns, and deploying your applications to the cloud. This recipe-based guide will help you to easily navigate through various core topics of server-side web application development with Node.js.

By the end of this Node book, you'll be well-versed with core Node.js concepts and have gained the knowledge to start building performant and scalable Node.js applications.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁Understand the Node.js asynchronous programming model
⦁Create simple Node.js applications using modules and web frameworks
⦁Develop simple web applications using web frameworks such as Fastify and Express
⦁Discover tips for testing, optimizing, and securing your web applications
⦁Create and deploy Node.js microservices
⦁Debug and diagnose issues in your Node.js applications

▶Key Features
⦁Implement practical solutions for scaling, securing, and testing your Node.js web apps effectively
⦁Build and deploy scalable microservices architecture with the power of Node.js 14
⦁Discover techniques for debugging and testing Node.js applications

▶Who This Book Is For
The book is for web developers who have knowledge of JavaScript and want to gain a broad understanding of Node.js concepts for server-side development.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Introducing Node.js 14, serves as an introduction to Node.js, including covering how to install Node.js 14 and access the relevant API documentation.

⦁ Chapter 2, Handling I/O, focuses on core Node.js APIs that allow us to interact with standard I/O, the filesystem, and the network.

⦁ Chapter 3, Streams, Streams, Streams, explores the fundamentals of Node.js streams.

⦁ Chapter 4, Using Web Protocols, demonstrates how to work with the web protocols at a low level using Node.js core APIs.

⦁ Chapter 5, Developing Node.js Modules, teaches how the Node.js module system works, and demonstrates how you can create and publish your own modules to the npm registry.

⦁ Chapter 6, Exploring Node.js Web Frameworks, showcases how you can build Node.js web applications with four of the leading web frameworks.

⦁ Chapter 7, Working with Databases, demonstrates how you can persist data to a variety of databases with Node.js, covering both SQL and NoSQL variants.

⦁ Chapter 8, Testing with Node.js, teaches the fundamentals of testing Node.js applications, providing an introduction to the key testing frameworks, tape, Mocha, and Jest.

⦁ Chapter 9, Securing Node.js Applications, demonstrates common attacks that can be made against a Node.js application and how we can mitigate these attacks.

⦁ Chapter 10, Performance Optimization, demonstrates workflows and tools we can use to identify bottlenecks in Node.js applications.

⦁ Chapter 11, Deploying Node.js Microservices, teaches how to build a microservice and deploy it to the cloud using container technologies.

⦁ Chapter 12, Debugging Node.js, showcases tooling and techniques for debugging Node.js applications.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Node.js is now over a decade old and has matured as a technology. Today, it is a common technology of choice for building applications of all sizes. Many large enterprises use Node.js in production, including the likes of Netflix, PayPal, IBM, and even NASA. Due to the widespread usage and dependence on Node.js, Node.js was moved under the OpenJS Foundation (formerly the Node.js Foundation). The OpenJS Foundation provides a neutral home for JavaScript projects, with a strong focus on open governance.

Created in 2009, Node.js wrapped Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine, V8, to enable JavaScript to be run outside the browser. Node.js brought JavaScript to the server and was built following a single-threaded event loop architecture, which enables it to effectively handle input/output and concurrent operations. Today, Node.js is a popular technology choice for building many types of applications, including HTTP web servers, microservices, command-line applications, and more. Key to Node.js's success is that it enables full-stack development in a common language, JavaScript.

The massive ecosystem of Node.js modules has supported Node.js's success. There are over 1 million modules available on the npm registry, with many abstracting lower-level implementation details to higher-level and more easily consumable APIs. Building your applications atop npm modules can speed up the development process while promoting code sharing and reuse.

Node Cookbook, Fourth Edition, is an updated version of Node Cookbook, Third Edition. The content has been updated in line with the latest long-term supported version of Node.js, Node.js 14.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Bethany Griggs
Bethany Griggs is a Software Engineer and scrum master working within the IBM Runtime Technologies Node.js team since 2016. She is an active open-source developer and a part of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee Member


⦁ Chapter 1: Introducing Node.js 14
⦁ Chapter 2: Handling I/O
⦁ Chapter 3: Streams, Streams, Streams
⦁ Chapter 4: Using Web Protocols
⦁ Chapter 5: Developing Node.js modules
⦁ Chapter 6: Exploring Node.js web Frameworks
⦁ Chapter 7: Working with Databases
⦁ Chapter 8: Testing with Node.js
⦁ Chapter 9: Securing Node.js Applications
⦁ Chapter 10: Performance Optimization
⦁ Chapter 11: Deploying Node.js Microservices
⦁ Chapter 12: Debugging Node.js


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